Chapter 67

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The prank war between me and Sam continued escalating until we got the entire team in on it. On my side were Bucky, Natasha, Wanda, Tony, and Peter. On Sam's side were Katherine, Steve, Vision, Rhodey, and Clint. Clint volunteered to be on Sam's side. Peter was only here because Tony wanted to integrate him into the team. Pietro was still on the Avengers' bad sides, so he was pretty much stuck to his room. Scott Lang was too confused to pick a side, so he just watched.

The pranking had gone so far that no one could leave their bases (a.k.a., Sam's bedroom and my bedroom) without fear of being pranked. We had run out of food, so someone had to go get more.

"Not it!" Bucky, Nat, Wanda, Tony, and I all shouted at once.

I drummed my fingers on my chin. "Wait, I'll text Scott, ask him to bring us food," I suggested. I unplugged my phone from the charger and dialed Scott's number.

"Hello?" Scott said when he picked up.

"Hey, Scott, it's Monica," I said.

"Hey, Mon, what's up?"

"Uh, we need you to bring us food."

"What? Why can't you get it yourself?"


He sighed. "Let me guess, both sides are stuck to a room?"


"I'll be right there. What do you guys want?"

We passed the phone around, telling Scott what we wanted. When we hung up, we passed a ball around, debating ideas for the next prank.

"Plastic wrap on the doors," Wanda suggested. She passed the ball to Tony.

"Uhh, a fake debriefing?" He threw the ball to me.

"Oh, we can cut cardboard tubes and put glowsticks in them and hide them in their rooms." I tossed the ball to Nat.

"But they don't leave Sam's room." She drummed her red nails on the ball. "We could get Reese's Pieces, Skittles, and M&M's, put them in the same bowl, and set it outside their door as a peace offering," she said, using finger quotes. She passed the ball to Peter. "Your turn, spiderling."

"We could always go to the classics. We could fill the hallway with paper cups of water." Peter passed the ball back to Bucky.

"Pass," he said, tossing the ball to Wanda. "I have no ideas."

"Okay, so the debriefing's out," I said. "We could combine Wanda and Nat's ideas. We could put the wrap on the bottom of the door and leave the bowl in the hallway, with a fake peace note."

"Yeah, and we have our next prank lined up," Nat said, ruffling Peter's hair. "The kid gave us a brilliant idea."

"Alright, I'll call Scott and tell him to get the candies."

- - -

An hour later, we heard a knock on the door. I grabbed the soda filled squirt gun and stood next to the door. "Password?" I demanded.

"Bad Poet," Lang said from the other side of the door. I cautiously opened the door and slammed it closed when Scott came in with a few grocery bags.

"You get the candies and the bowl?" I asked. 

Scott tossed me one of the bags. "In there."

I tossed the bag to Nat and Peter and grabbed a bag of chips. "You're a lifesaver, Lang, you know that?"

"Well, I wouldn't go that far."

"Okay, Lang, where's the plastic wrap?" Nat asked after she dumped the bag onto the floor. Scott tossed her the box. 

"They put it in a separate bag. This is getting ridiculous, you guys. You can't even leave the room!" Scott said. "What if you settled this in some sort of organized competition?"

"Okay, well, you organize that. In the meantime, we'll keep doing this," Wanda said, opening the Skittles.

"Well, I'm gonna go now. See you guys!"

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