Chapter 60

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I woke up one summer morning and trudged into the kitchen. My hair was matted down on one side, the other side poofy and in the way.

"Whoa, someone has some serious bed head," Tony taunted.

"Stark, if you wish to keep your life, you will shut the fuck up," I said as calmly as I could.

"Yeah, you might not remember this because we were away for so long," Steve said, "but if you talk to Mon before she has a cup of coffee, you're signing your own death warrant."

I poured my coffee and added the creamer. "He's right. Now, I'm gonna go drink my coffee and get a shower. Don't talk to me."

"Uh, Mon?" Barnes called.

"What did I just say, Barnes?"

"You left your glasses on the counter."

- - -

After I got ready, I walked back out to the kitchen. My hair was pulled in a bun and I was wearing contacts. I had a razorback tank top and a pair of shorts on. "Hey, guys!" I said, putting my mug in the dishwasher. "We should go to the beach today."

"Uh, I don't know, Monica," Steve said.

"Beach!" Kate agreed with me.

"C'mon, Buck," I urged. "Let's go to the beach!"

"That does sound like fun," Tony said.

"Did I ask you?" I punched Bucky's flesh arm repeatedly. "Beach, beach, beach, beach!"

"Okay, okay, we'll go!" Bucky said, moving away from me. "But only if you stop bruising me."

The team gathered our beach gear and got ready to head out.

"Hey, Barnes!" Tony said. "I have your thing!"

"What thing?" Steve asked. I smirked and tried to keep my laughter back.

"Well, I wanted to go without drawing attention to my arm. I haven't quite gotten the hang of the holographic image thing, so I asked Stark to help."

"Yeah, I made just the thing."

"We helped," I said, gesturing to me and Kate.

Stark brought Bucky a blue bikini top with one sleeve:

Stark brought Bucky a blue bikini top with one sleeve:

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"Wait, what the hell is this?" Bucky said. "I expected science, Stark."

That's when Kate and I lost it. We started laughing so hard our faces turned red and we couldn't breathe.

"You know what? I'm gonna wear it anyway," he decided.

- - -

The beach was mostly empty when we got there, probably because it was 10:30 on a Monday. We set up our chairs and I took my wrap off. I was wearing a simple black bikini with blue lining. Kate wore a pastel blue one. We spread our towels and laid down. I noticed Kate staring at Bucky's chest.

I cleared my throat. "Uh, Kate?"


"You're staring again."

"Am not."

"You're drooling, too."

"Am not!" She brought her hand up and wiped her mouth.

I laughed. "It got you to stop staring at Bucky's abs. Hey Barnes!" I called.

He turned around. "What?"

I got up and jumped on his back. "Onward, trusty steed!"

He laughed and tossed me into the ocean. I sat up and spit the water out of my mouth before splashing him in the face.

"Hey!" He dragged his arm through the water and splashed me back.

"Kate, help!"

Eventually, we were all in the water, splashing each other. Steve and Bucky were the first to get out, claiming they were gonna go get lunch. I got out next and laid down on my chair to dry and tan. I put my sunglasses on and closed my eyes. I was relaxing and enjoying myself when I was drenched with a bucket of water. I sat up and ripped my sunglasses off to see Sam in his Falcon suit, hovering above me with an empty bucket.

"Samuel Thomas Wilson you are SO dead!"

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