"Jun Ho, Kang Jun Ho," repeated director Hong to his friend, "yes, she only wants that boy. It's frightening my daughter is bewitched."

"She has stiff competition. I don't know when but I recall my daughter saying something like he promised to marry her," Seo Gwan Gi said.

"It's weird you remember such an insignificant thing."

"I think so too, now you mention it. The boy is at least a decade older, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is ten years older than your Hye Mi, and he will be the father of my grandchildren by the time your daughter is of age to ponder about those things."

The two men laughed warm-heartedly.

"It's sad, though, how we deteriorate with age. I feel so lucky to be blessed with a beautiful wife and child."

"Gwan Gi, you have two children, and indeed your wife is beautiful; many still can't believe Sae Ha married you."

"Neither do I. I mean, I'm not handsome."

"But you have other qualities; you are a great friend and a man of honor."

"Thank you, dear friend," Seo Gwan Gi said as he got up to shake the director's hands.

The two men left the director's office, walking side by side to the hospital entrance missing Kwon Jin, who arrived from another wing. The man only saw the back of the two older men.

"Excuse me, wasn't that chairman Seo with my father?" Kwon Jin asked the receptionist.

"Yes, sir," the receptionist replied, imagining it was not a secret.

"Do you know why he was here for?"

"Oh, chairman Seo comes often."

"How often?" Kwon Jin asked, giving the receptionist a killer smile.

The smile was too broad for the receptionist, who wondered if she was doing right, answering his questions.

"Nevermind," Kwon Jin replied, realizing his error as he observed her reaction.

Seo Kwan Gi's visit intrigued him. The man was in good shape; there was no reason for him to visit their hospital, or was there?

"Abeoji," Kwon Jin said to his father, who was on his way back from the entrance.

"Oh, Kwon Jin, what brings you here? I thought you hated the smell of hospitals."

"I do. I was wondering if we could have lunch in Gangnam at Flores with candidate Kang."

"If my old friend wants to have lunch with me, he can call me. Why does he need to use my son as a messenger?"

"Abeoji, he needs your support people to trust you. You are one of the country's greatest doctors; you will win us some votes, don't make me beg, please."

"How is Hye Ra? Tell her to come and stay with us instead of staying alone."

"She is not alone, she has all the house employees attending to her, and I'm there."

"No, you are not. You are with candidate Kang Baek Hyun. She has already lost two children it's difficult for a woman-"

"Father, I didn't come for that!"

Director Hong knew it was the best his son could do when it came to asking for help.

Kwon Jin groveled at no one's feet; this unmeasurable assurance drew people towards him. Kang Baek Hyun was sharpening his personality into something the hospital director didn't like.

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