chapter 28

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Minutes went by, shane and daryl were trying to break down the door. I was still traumatized after finding out that our lives will end in this room, i will seize to exist. What will happen to us on the other side? I feel guilt for bringing celine with us, she probably would have been better off if i havent found her.

"This isnt right" i heard carol's voice as i zoned back into reality.

"You cant just keep us in here!" Carol said with tears coming from her eyes as she held sophia close.

"One tiny moment, a mili second, no pain." Jenner was trying to justify his actions, but carol wasnt having it.

"My daughter doesnt deserve to die like this."

Shane had enough, he walked off somewhere. I got up to see where he went and i see him coming with a shot gun.

Oh shit.


"Out of my way rick" he yelled. Pushing through. He pointed his gun at jenner demanding him to open the door.
Is he crazy, if he shoots jenner we will never get out of here. Why would you threaten somone who wants to die.

I walked to shane's side trying to calm him down.

"Shane you cant shoot him, if you shoot him-" i felt a sharp pain on my face and fell back, hitting my hard when i landed. Everything was dizzy all i heard were gun shot's and screaming. I felt tiny hand on my face, shaking me to stay awake, i felt myself slipping away and slipping into darkness.

I started to hear yelling "lets go" and "come on". I feel my body being lifted.

"Take celine, i got zahrah" it sounded like daryl. I open my eyes a little and see behind us was rick and jenner. Jenner was whispering something to rick.
I felt myself losing consciousness again.

Im starting to come to, i opened my eyes to see everything blurry, and i see figures at what looks to be a window. My vision became clear and i see it's shane, daryl, and t-dog, trying to break the window.

"Maman tu vas bien?" (Mama are you okay)

I looked to my side to see celine with tears in her eyes. Wait did she just call me mama?

I slowly lifted my body off the ground and sat up. I took in my surroundings and see that we were in the lobby. Jenner must have had a change of heart i guess. I looked at celine and saw that she was still waiting for an answer.

"Je vais bien" (im okay) i assured her.

" LOOK OUT!" I turned and saw daryl come towards me and celine and moved us to the stairs, and sheild us.
I heard an explosion and glass shatter i thought it was it. Im dead.

"Come on!" I opened my eyes and see daryl helping me up with celine by his side. I leaned on him for support as we ran to the vehicles. When we got close, he helped me inside the truck and put celine in my lap while max jumped into the back.

The building exploded, creating a loud sound and debris hitting the car. When it all stopped we sat up and looked at what was left of the CDC. Everyone sat in there cars silent. We sat there for a few moments but eventually one by one drove away.
Daryl drove celine sat in my lap with her head on my chest, max was in the back with his head sticking out the window.

We came here for answer's and refuge, but all we got was false hope.

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