chapter 3

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I didnt say a word while walking back to the camp, i stayed in the back while everyone was ahead, crossbow guy kept looking back at me with those blue eyes, im not gonna lie he is very good looking. Stop thinking like that dont get attached remember. I was so lost in thought i didnt realize the korean guy was slowing down.

"Im glenn" he helled his hand for me to shake i looked at it and looked at him wondering if i should even interact and make a friend, why not i guess im gonna sneak off in the morning anyway.

"Im zahrah" it felt odd saying it, i havent had human contact for weeks. I guess you can say im a little rusty on conversations.

"Cool name, you got a group?"
I shook my head and said "no"

"How long have you been by yourself?" He asked

"Since it started " i started thinking back of how terrible it was by myself and how i went crazy a couple of times and the time i tryed to commit suicide.

"Not much of talker huh?" Glenn said bringing me out of my thoughts.

" no its just been a minute since i had a conversation or interact with anyone."

He nodded his head and said "understandable" i appreciate that he understood and didnt push any further.

We finally reached the camp, everyone was starring at me wondering " who is this girl" i just stood there not knowing what to do, or how to introduce myself, thankfully glenn spokeup  and broke the silence.

"Everybody this is zahrah, make her feel welcome."
Some nodded and some gave a welcoming smile.

I didnt stand long until glenn decided to introduce me to everyone. I met everyone, i met dale he seems to be a pretty cool guy, there was amy and andrea, morales and his family, jim, jaqui, t-dog, ed who turns out to be carols ( the little girls sophias mother) husband. I dont exactly feel comfortable about him , he gives bad vibes. Then there was shane (shotgun guy ) lori and carl(the little boy ). Finally there was daryl (crossbow guy) and his racist asshole of a brother merle dixon.

"Your pretty cute for a colored girl"  he said looking me up and down and his eyes landed on my chest.
Hold up what the fuck did he just say. I took a step forward ready to lay his ass on the ground and make him realize im not my grandparents. But i felt a pair of big strong arms wrap across my chest pulling me back. I struggled but calmed down when glenn was in front of me telling me calm down telling me he's not worth it over and over. Jaqui was also trying to calm me down. While everyone was telling merle how wrong and messed he was for saying that.
I took a few deep breaths and prayed to the lord to give me strength not to kill this man.
"Im cool, im cool"  i told glenn in my calm voice, he looked at me to make sure i was calm, once he was sure he looked at person behind me to let them know they can let me go. I turned around to see it was shane, man he was strong. I looked back at merle only to see him have a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, i cant believe i was about to loose my shit when there were bigger issues to handle. Daryl just glared at his brother  and shook his head. I walked off to the R.V. to cool down some more.

"Im sorry about that, merle can be a real douche." I turned  around to see that it was shane talking.

"Dont apologize for his actions its not your fault, just cant believe i was going to stoop down to his level." I shook my head, i was disappointed at myself for coming that close.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, he wasnt lying about you being the prettiest one" he said with a smirk .
I looked at him with a shocked look. What the hell is he doing, he is with lori , which by the way where is she , i looked over his shoulder to see her staring daggers. Oh shit.

"Hey zahrah" i looked to my left to see glenn waving me over, i didnt hesitate to walk towards him  i can feel shane eyes still on me as i walk towards glenn, thank god he called

"Whats up?"
"I couldnt help but notice you had some squirrels attached to your backpack , if you want carol can skin them and add it to the squirrel stew for tonight."
I looked over to carol to see already skinning a squirrel and to her left there were about 12 more.
"Wow who caught all the squirrels?"
"Daryl got them" glenn answered
I nodded and to see daryl cleaning his arrows next to a tree starring at me.
Two can play that game, we stared at eachother for a few seconds unti he went back to cleaning his arrows , thats what i thought. I turned back to glenn and carol, they both noticed our state down and laughed a little i didnt ask what was so funny, i went ahead and took my backpack off and handed carol the squirrels.
"Thank you" i said

Through the rest of the day me and glenn, mostly glenn talked , he told me about everyone here, he told me that lori lost her husband when this whole thing started and that shane helped them out. He warned me about ed and how everyone knows that he is hitting carol. It honestly made me mad, how can man do that to his wife in a world like this as of shit aint already bad as it is.

At dinner i sat in between daryl and glenn while shane kept starring, while dale telling everyone a funny story.
After dinner everybody decided to go to bed.
" there is an extra sleeping bag in mine and glenns tent" shane is hoping i would choose his tent but i can feel lori's stare at me so im gonna say no, not that i would want to. I looked at glenn to see him waiting for an answer
"No thanks" they looked confused , pretty much everyone was confused.
"Where are you going to sleep?" Carl asked , i looked up at the trees and see the biggest one just next to the cliff. I grabbed my backpack and bow and walked to the tree and started climbing. Once i was a few feet up i sat on a branch and tied my rope around the tree and tied myself to it . I see everyone looking at me some shook there heads and some just smiled. I heard  glenn say how that it was really smart while eveyone walked to their tents. I see daryl leaned against a tree staring. What the hell is his problem? Before i fell asleep i loaded my bow with an arrow in case these people tried anything, just because i had dinner and learned their names dont mean shit.

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