chapter 9

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As we made to the city, we found a department store that looked good enough to stay in. Once we checked and cleared it out, we made ourselves at home and started scavaging. The next day we were all on the roof when we heard gun shots, and it wasn't us. We all saw a man with a sheriff hat shooting those dead things.

"What the hell is he doing?" Glenn relpied
"Being a dumbass is what he is doing" i shook my head. Hes a dead thats for sure. He got under the tank once he realized he was surrounded.

"It looks like he made it inside the tank." Jacqui said. I got an idea.

"Hey glenn, do you think you can use our radio to get in contact with dumbass?" I looked at him waiting for an answer.

"I can try." He grabbed the radio from his pocket and turned the dial a couple of times until he found it.

"Hey, hey you dumbass you cozy in there?" We all started laughing a little once the guy responded, glenn told him the plan to get him out of the tank, and he wanted me to come with him for back.
We made it to the next building, i was on the roof covering glenn while he met the guy half way. He made it to the gate where glenn was, he almost shot him but glenn yelled something i couldn't hear. I see one of those dead thing grab the guys shoulder about to take a bite, but luckily my arrow went through its skull before it could. I startled the guyin the sheriff hat, he looked up to see who shot the arrow and landed his eyes on me. What the fuck? "RUN" i yelled, he snapped out of it and followed glenn to the later. I ran towards the latter and held out my hand and helped glenn, once glenn was okay i turned and helped the other guy. Once he stood straight and looked at me, and ohhh myyy god he was gorgeous he had the most beautiful blues eyes and a sharp jawline. My lord god took his time on this man. We stared at eachother for few second until glenn interupted
"You guys we gotta move." He said
Oh shit i forgot what we were doing.

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