chapter 17

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Rick told carl that him and his mom are no longer together. Carl didnt understand what it meant , until i explained that it means him, that his dad and mom will no longer be together and that it means they will share him. There will be nights he sleeps with lori and night he sleeps with rick, etc. He was hurt for a little bit but he understood.

Rick, daryl, glenn, and t-dog went out into the city to get merle later on that day. I pretty much had nothing to do until

"Hey zahrah, you wanna come down to the quary with me and the girls to do laundry." Amy asked.

"Maybe its best i dont go."  I dont wanna be around lori after what she saw.

"She's not gonna be down there " amy said with a smile.

"How did you know?"

"Its pretty obvious, but she wont be down there, she doesnt do anything except sit around and tell people what to do." You know what she does have a point.

"Ok i'll come." As we started walking she said.

"Beside everyone thinks you and rick are cute together." Wait what?

"Umm we're uh not togther." I explained.

"Too bad, i was really rooting for you guys." We laughed and pretty much talked about everything while walking. Amy is pretty cool, i like her.

They didnt want me to wash, they wanted me for protection. Amy said they felt comfortable with me around then ed. He wasnt doing anything but sitting on his ass smoking The whole time. How in the hell did he survive this long? They pretty talked and gossiped, while i sat and sharpened my katana. From the distance i see lori telling carl to go back to camp while shane and lori looked like they were having a discussion. Then they walked off, probably to have sex again.

SMH i continued sharpening my katana and zoned back into the girls conversation. They were listing all the things they missed. Carol started first.

"I missed my maytag." The. Andrea joined.
"I miss my benz, my sat nv."
"I miss my coffee maker with that dual-drip filter, and built in grinder, honey."
"I miss my computer, and texting."
"I miss my vibrator." Andrea added.
We laughed for a second until carol said "me too." That made us laugh even more. Ed came.
"Whats so funny ?" Andrea replied with.
"Just swapping war stories, ed." He cane closer and was glaring at us.
"Problem, ed" andrea asked
"Nothin' that concerns you, and you ought to focus on your work. This aint no comedy club." Andrea had enough because she got up and was face to face with ed.
"Ed tell you what, you dont like how your laundry is being done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here." She tossed him a rag, amd he caught it , but three it back in her face. Its about to go down.
"Aint my job missy." Carol got up
"Andrea dont." She pleaded.
"What is your job, ed? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes?"
"Well, it sure as hell aint listening to some uppity smart-mouthed bitch." This guy is getting on my nerves.
"Tell you what." He looked at carol
"Come on lets go." He  looked at carol
"I dont think she needs to go  anywhere with you, ed."
"And i say its none of your business, come on now." She was walking towards him. Dont do it carol , dont do it. Andrea tryed to stop her but carol was begging her to let go.
"Hey dont think i wont knock you on your ass. Just cause you some college educated cooze, alright. Come on or your going to regret it later" he yelled
" so she can show up with fresh brusies  later, ed? Yeah we seen them." Jaqaui said
He laughed " im done talking. Come on." They tryed stopping her but he got more angry and slapped carol. Oh hell no.

I got up from the rock and dropped my katana and tackled him to the ground. I started punching him in the face while everyone was screaming "stop". I wasnt listening, i kept punching until he hit me in the eye and pushed me off and kicked me in ribs a few times i yelped at the last kick, then he grabbed my collar and punched me on the face after a few hits he stopped and started choking me. I started to gasp for air and squirmed but it wasnt working. I felt dizzy everything began to blur until i closed my eyes. Everything stopped.

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