chapter 10

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We made it back to the department store, and what happened next completely, unexpected and unnecessary. Andrea pushed the sheriff against the wall and point her gun at his face.

"You son of a bitch we otta kill you"

"Chill out andrea back off" morales said while taking the armor off.
The sheriff had fear on his face and i feared for him i hope she doesnt pull the the trigger.

"Come on ease up" i said trying to calm her down.

"Ease up your kidding me right? We're dead because of this stupid asswhole."

"Andrea i said back the hell off" morales said coming up behind her. I didnt look like she was easing then i realize she had the safety on. I come up beside her and grabbed the hand that was holding the gun and pulled down aiming it at the floor and elbowed her in the face. She yelped and let go of the gun.

"What the fuck are you doing?"
She said while holding her face.
"Making sure your ass dont alert all those things out there where we are."

  I said as i handed the gun to sheriff.
"We're all  dead because of you."
Andrea said while standing up with the help of jacqui.

After morales explained what we were doing and why, there were dozens of those "geeks" ( i think thats what t-dog said) against the main doors trying to break in. He just ranged the dinner bell. Out of nowherr we heard gunshots coming from the roof.

"Oh no was that dixon" andrea said.

We all ran to the stairs, and heard another gun shot. What the hell is dixon trying to do?
As soon as i got to the door i heard morales yell

"Hey dixon are you crazy." He shot again. Now he is just trying to get us killed.

"Hey you otta be more polite to a man with a gun." He smiled when he jumped down from the edge. 

"Only common sense" he added

"Man, you waisting bullets we aint even got!" Said t-dog. All merle did was laugh.

"And you're bringing even more of them down on our asses! Man just chill."

"Aye its bad enough i've got this taco-bender on my ass all day. Now imma take orders from you? I dont think so, bro. That'll be the day." Where is he going with this?

Now t-dog is mad.
"That'll be the day? You got something you wanna tell me." Morales trys to calm the situation but merle had a different idea.

"You wanna know the day? I'll tell you the day, mr. "Yo" its the day i take orders from a nigger."

T-dog snapped and charged merle, but merle hit him in the face with a rifle, i see sheriff move towards merle but merle hit him with a right hook knocking him on his ass, and went back to t-dog.
He got a few punches and kicks in before i pushed him off and punch in the face. He he swung again but dodge it before he could hit me , i hit him in the gut and then in the face. He landed on his ass holding his jaw, i turned around to make sure t-dog was okay before i felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to merle with rifle, and hit my face. I fell back and felt pain on my face, and heard scream of "stop" and heard punches, before i closed my eyes.

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