chapter 23

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Everyone was having a good time especially glenn, man he is going to have a huge hangover tomorrow.

Eveyone was slowly going back to their rooms one by one all that was left was me, celine, daryl, rick, lori, and glenn. Everyone else went to bed.

"Tout le monde va dormir?" (Is everyone going to sleep)

"Oui cheri tu as sommeil" ( yes darling, are you sleepy) i asked pushing hair behind her ear. She shook her head no, but yawned after. I laughed and said.

"Oui, vous letes" (yes you are)

"What did she say" rick asked.

"Just asking if everyone is going to bed." I assured.

"Sleep sounds so good right about now." Glenn slurred his words, man he is so drunk. He got up to go to his room but stumbled and bumped into a wall. Everyone laughed including celine. Rick got up to help glenn.

"Let me help you get to your room" rick snickered.

Now its just me, celine, daryl and lori. Its getting awkward so i took that as my que to leave.

"Allons, allons te mettre au lit" ( come on lets get you to bed.) I said picking up celine. I looked back at max.

"Come on max, its bed time." He followed me as i carryed celine back to the room. After i tucked her into bed i left to the kitchen to get some water before i go to bed, when i walked in i saw daryl opening another bottle of liquor. He looked up and realized i was in the room. He just stood there and looked me up and down with hungry eyes.

"Nice pajamas girly" he said.
I looked at my body to see that i was wear an oversized t-shirt and some high socks. Hey it was all i had. I decided to change the subject.

"How are you feeling?" I asked walking closer to him until i was a few feet away. He scoffed.

"Merle can handle himself, he's left before. I'll be fine myself. I dont care about him."

"That's not true daryl, there is nothing wrong with caring about your brother." He scoffed and shook his head and looked at me.

"Why the hell do you even care anyway, you dont even have anyone that cares about you." Ok that hurt. I sighed and said

"I was just trying to help a friend is all." I said lowly.

"I dont see anyone giving a shit about your feelings or your brother, or notice if theres something wrong. Look im not angry for what you said, because i understand that your going through a tough time right now, but when your ready to talk you know where to find me."

I turn around to leave but i feel a hand grab mine. I turn around and see daryl with sadness written on his face. He didnt say anything but i knew he didnt want me to go. I put my hands on his face and wiped away a tear. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him and held me tight. I dont know how long we stayed like that but it felt good to be held by someone who can somewhat sympathize with you. There was also a warm tingly feeling when he is this close. Not that im complaining i felt safe when he held me. I pulled away and kissed daryl on the cheek. I dont know why but i felt the need to. He tensed up but relaxed after a second. I looked into those blue eyes and said.

"Goodnight daryl" i whispered.

"Goodnight girly" he said with a small smile. I walked away down the hall back to my room, i got to my door until i heard my name.

"Zahrah" i turn around to see rick.

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