chapter 19

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I woke up to birds chirping and bright light. It must be morning. I move to get up and put my boots and leave the tent. When i stepped out i see everyone packing. What's going on?

"Zahrah" i turned and see carl running towards me with open arms, and embraced me into a hug. I smiled and hugged him back, even though he was squeezing my bruised side, but i dont care.

"Finally your awake" he said cheerfully.

"How long have i been out?"

"About 28 hours" i looked up and see rick, daryl, glenn, shane, and lori walk up.

"Jesus that long." Rick got closer to me and he looked serious.

"Can i talk to you for a second?" He asked.

"Yeah sure" we walked a little into the woods and stopped.  He turned around and looked at me.

"Its not safe here anymore, everyone thinks we need to find another area. I was thinking about going to the cdc, but shane wants to go to fort benning."

"I think cdc would be better and closer. Plus we could get some answers on what the hell is going on."
He smiled and nod his head.

"Thats what i was thinking" i chuckled
"Great minds think a like." He smiled and looked at me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Im okay, im sore on the side and my face hurts like a bitch. How bad is it?"

"Its bad, you got a black eye, a busted lip and eyebrow, and your cheek is bruised. But you still look beautiful." All i can do is smile.

Morales and his family decided they wanted to go to burmingham to see their people. We said our good byes and split our ways. If your wondering, yes i decided to stay with the group. I rode my motorcycle beside everyone on the opposite side. We eventually stopped because of dales r.v.

"I see something up ahead" shane said "a gas station if we're lucky, rick you wanna hold down the fort? I'll drive ahead see what i can bring back." Rick nodded his head and looked at me.

"Zahrah im going to need you to go with shane." Ughhh


Me and shane got into his jeep and took off. It was silent for a moment until shane ended it.

"So you and rick huh?" He said still keeping his eyes on the road. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"We are just friends."

"Sure as hell dont seem like it, i think you should stay away, he has a family." I know he's not talking.

"So you can have me for yourself." He looked surprised.

"I heard you back at the camp when i was unconscious. I know you kissed me." He had a blank face.

"Look shane, i dont like what you did, but if you ever kiss me, or even come near me the way you did. I will kill you and thats a promise."

He scoffed "we'll see."

We pulled up to the gas station, shane started pumping gas, while i walked inside to look around. I hear a sound coming from the back. Me being stupid, i walked to the sound with my hand on my katana. I got closer and saw a walker feeding off of a women. I shook my head and walked to it from behind and stabbed the walker in the head. I looked at the lady, my god she was beautiful. She had blonde hair and beautiful skin. She must have been dead for a while, she is very pale. I walked up to her and got a good look at her face. She had full lips, a cute nose with a broud tip, with deep set eyes. She was so beautiful.

"Forgive me" i whispered. I put my katana to her head and pushed it through. I had to be sure. I took one last look at her, before i walked away, but stopped when i heard sniffling. I followed where it came from, and came to see a janitors closet. I opened the door see a little girl. She looked 4 years old and like the women on the ground. She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, that were red from crying.

"Are you alright?" I asked as i crouched to her level. She looked at me with a confused look, and said.

"Je ne comprends pas l'anglais." (I dont understand english)
Oh shit she's french.

"Est-ce que tu vas bien?" (Are you alright) she began to cry.
"Jai peur ou est ma mere?"( im scared where is my mom)

I felt sympathy and looked down.

"Este-elle morte?" (Is she dead) i looked up at her with sadness and nod. She got up and walked to me crying. I took her into my arms and held her tight.

"Dans tellement desoles" (im so sorry) i pushed  her away and looked at her tear satined face.

"Comment vous appelez-vous?" (What is your name) she sniffled and said


"Bien celine mon nom est zahrah" (good celine my name is zahrah). "Voulez-vous venir restar avec moi et mon groupe?" (Do you want to come stay with me and my group). She nodded her head and hugged me. She grabbed her backpack before i picked her up and carried her outside to the jeep.

"What happened and who is she?" Shane asked.

"Her mother is dead, and she is alone, shes coming back with us." He didnt argue. Once we were in the jeep, we were off. I had celine in my lap as we ride back to the others.

She is all alone with no family, in a world like this. Its so sad because she is so innocent and vuneralable. A child shouldnt go through this alone, she cant even speak english. I felt the need to protect her, and care for her as if she was my own. Even though her mother didnt ask me to. As looked  i at this little girl that is sitting on my lap i know that i will do everything i can to protect this little girl.

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