chapter 27

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"Dr. Jenner, i know this has been taxing for you, and i hate to ask one more question, but.... that clock.... its been counting down. What happens at zero?" im scared to know what the answer is.

"The basement generators, they run out of fuel." he said that fast as if we knew what the hell that meant.

"And then?" I asked. he didn't answer, he just walked off.

"VI, what happens when the power runs out?"

" when the power runs out, the facility wide decontamination will occur." oh hell no

"we need to find the generators" rick said. T- dog, shane, and glenn followed him out of the room.

"que se passe-t-il?" (whats going on ). I looked down at celine to see confusion written on her face. I told her everything except the generator problem, I don't want her to panic.

"come on let's go." daryl took my hand lead us to his room.

"What do you think she meant by decontamination will occur?"  I asked. daryl looked at me and gave me a sympathetic look.

" I don't know, but we shouldn't worry about it. Rick is looking to fix it." he squeezed my hand and ran his thumb over my knuckles. I began to relax, I don't know why. I felt safe when he hold my hand or anytime he is near.  

then everything began to turn off. we hear noises outside and poked our heads out. it was jenner walking down the hall way ignoring everyone's questions. he stayed calm and that was bothering me. everyone followed jenner back to the main room. That's when he told us what was going to happen. everyone began to panic, what made it worse was when he closed the door.

" did you just locked us in?" I yelled.

" he just locked us in." glenn said lowly.

" you son of a bitch." I turned around and see daryl going towards jenner.

"DARYL NO!!" I yelled. thankfully shane and t-dog were there to hold him back. I hear crying and looked down to see celine crying. I picked her up her up and held in my arms,and told her everything was going to be okay.

"jenner open the door, now" rick demanded while walking towards jenner.

"there's no point. everything topsideis locked down. the emergency exits are sealed"

"well open the fucking door" I said walking to him.

" that's not something I control the computer's do." this asshole is lying.

" its better this way." what!?!

" it set the air on fire, no pain, an to sorrow , grief , regret, everything." jenner was really trying justify his reasoningfor locking us in here. at this point I tuned out everything. I sighed and picked celine and carried her to a corner and sat down with celine in my lap. her head lays on my chest while I run my fingers through her hair. this is not how our lives should end.

  Our lives should end when we chose to or when the time comes.

This is not that time.

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