chapter 14

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The next morning i was walking with sophia and carl, with max by my side. We talked about our favorite t.v. shows and how much we missed them.

"I miss watching spongebob." I said

"Me too." They both said at the same time.

"Do you know whats funnier than 24?"

"No what?" Carl asked

"25" i said we fell out laughing because of that episode, where patrick went to school with spongebob. I havent laughed like that in a long time. Its kinda hard to laugh in a world like this, but then again theres nothing to laugh about anyway. Im actually starting to like some of these people. I know they wont be around forever, but i know it will be hard to do this by myself. I know i said im better off alone but this group has made me feel good in a  long time.

"Zahrah" i snapped out of my thoughts to see the sheriff walk towards us.

"Whats so funny?" He asked.
We looked at eachother and snickered until i answered "25" we laughed again, but the sheriff just stood there confused.

"Its from spongebob dad" carl said still laughing.

" oh... can i talk to zahrah for a minute you guys?" They nodded their heads and went back to camp.

"Max go with them" i said looking at max , he gladly followed them back. I looked back to sheriff to see him staring at me.

"Morning" he said.

"Morning officer friendly" i said. He laughed a little.

"Why do you call me that ?" He asked. I smiled and said.

"Well i heard you say it to merle when i was unconsious and i thought it was funny. Also i dont know your name so..."

"Oh im sorry, my name is rick, rick grimes." He said in that lovely southern accent. He held out his hand for me to shake, i took it and said.

"Nice to meet you rick grimes, im zahrah, but you already knew that." I smiled

"Nice to meet you zahra, would you mind if we can talk for a minute while we walk back?"

"Sure" we let go of the hand shake and began walking, it was quiet for a few seconds until rick said something.

"Zahrah is a pretty name, what does it mean?" I smiled

"Thank you, its egyptian , it means blooming flower."

"It suits you" he said, i looked at him and smiled.

"I wanted to thank you again for helping me back at the city."

" no need to thank me im pretty sure you would have done the same."

"I would for you " he mumbled. It was quiet for a seconds until he spoke again.

"Do you think i should go back to the city for merle?" Woah that was unexpected. I turned around and saw guilt in his eyes.

"Your feeling guilt for leaving him?" I asked

"I feel like i should, since i handcuffed him."

"Rick, you did what you had to do. Everyone knows merle was out of control and he would have put us further in danger, and your not the only one, everyone else was there when you handcuffed him, and they were there when we were leaving as well. Dont make yourself the bad guy, were all responsible for what happened."

"You think so ?" He asked while looking at the ground.

"Anybody who knew merle wouldnt blame you. Except dixon." He nodded his head and looked at me.

"Thank you" he said

"No problem." We kept walking until i asked him something that was bothering me.

"No offense rick, but why did you talk to me about this?" I asked he looked at me with those genuine blue eyes.

"To be honest, i felt comfortable coming to you about it, you seem like a honest, understanding person. Plus lori wasnt trying to hear me out" i nodded my head understanding what he was saying.

"Do you need me to go with you?"  He quickly answered "no, im not gonna drag you down there and risk your life for something you had no part of, your completely innocent in all of this, you were unaware because you were unconscious." He said
"I need you to stay here where your safe."

"Rick i can take care of myself." I protest

"I dont doubt that, but i dont want you to risk your life, i need you up here."

"There is no way im gonna win this arugement, am i ?" I asked while looking down.

"Nope"he said popping the p

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