chapter 1

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I lay in my bed with snicker curled up next to me(who by the way is my dog) she lays curled up to my side sleeping, while i watch spongebob. Its a saturday morning which means i get stay in and enjoy my day off.

While i lay in bed i hear my mom making breakfast, 10 minutes later she comes in my room and tells me breakfast is ready. Without hesitation i got up and followed her to the kitchen with snickers right behind, me wagging her tail all excited because she knows i will share my food.

"Thanks mom" i smile as she hands me my plate.

"Wanna watch a disney movie ?" I asked while walking to the living room i reached for the remote and turned on the t.v.
I looked at her waiting for an answer. All she did was nod her head.

While i was i flipping threw the list trying to find a movie, there was knocking at the front door. I was going to get it but my mom beat me to the punch.

"I got it" she said walking to the door.
I went back to the t.v. but stopped when i heard a scream and a sound of struggle.
I got worried and went to the door to see what was going on, i screamed when i see my mom being eaten by a man that looks like a zombie looking creature.

I couldnt breathe, or move because i was terrified of what i was seeing that i didnt realize there was someone behind me, they turned me around, and what i saw made my heart drop. It was my mom but she was pale and here eyes were yellow as if she was sick.

"Mom?" I whispered with a shaky breathe.

She just looked at me with a blank stare. When all of a sudden she takes a step forward and opened her mouth ready to take a bite out of my face.

"No!" I screamed jumping up and opening my eyes to only see trees.

"It was just a dream" i told myself leaning back into the tree trying to catch my breathe.

Its morning now and im still in the tree, i look down to see if any of those things are there. Doesnt matter anyway, i cant stay in this spot, not when this whole damn forest heard me scream.

As soon as i controlled my breathing, i untied my self from the tree, and began climbing down, letting go of the last branch i landed on my feet. I made sure i had my bow and arrows with my katana strapped to my left side. I grabbed my backpack and put it on but made sure it didnt cover the arrows. Once i was done i began walking putting the hood of my jacket over my head. Ready to start another day in this fucked up world.

How rude of me. I didnt introduce myself. My name is zahrah. Im a 20 year old woman, with no family or group. My favorite color is black, i love food, and spongebob, What can i say im a big kid. I can hunt, defend myself and im pretty badass with my katana........ yep thats pretty much all i have to say.

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