chapter 26

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During breakfast everyone was pretty much hung over, but i think glenn had it worse. It's pretty funny seeing in this state.

It was kind hard to enjoy dinner when shane and lori are starring at me, they are doing nothing but creating tension in the room but the only people that felt it were me, rick, and celine. I dont even think celine was paying attention because she was too busy feeding max.

Daryl walked into the room, he looked like he got pretty hammered last night, but i understood his reasoning. Once he saw me and celine he walked over and sat next me.

"Bonjour monsieur" celine said. Daryl just furrowed his brows.

"She said good morning" i said.

"Oh morning." He said to her. She smiled and went back to eating. I see daryl hunged over the table with his face in his hands. He had a bad hangover. I grabbed the advil that was in the middle of the table, tapped his shoulder and gave him two and past him my juice.

"Did you sleep okay last night?" I asked as he was taking the pills. All he did was nod his head and stayed silent. Back to silence again. I look and see lori and shane staring at us. I rolled my eyes and went back to eating. Im starting to get full, but there was alot of eggs left.

"Do you want my eggs?" I asked daryl, he looked at me and then my eggs and took my plate.

" thanks girly" he said.

"Are you ever going to stop calling me that?" I laughed, he laughed a little too.

"Nope" popping the "p".

Jenner walked in the moments later saying good morning to everyone. Dale wanted to start off with questions first.

"Doctor, i dont mean to slam you with questions first thing-"

" but you will anyway" jenner interupted.

" we didnt come here for the eggs" andrea added. The room went quiet, waiting for jenner to say something, he looked hesitant but said.

"Follow me." Everyone didnt hesitate to get up and follow jenner to the main area. Celine walked beside me holding my hand, and daryl on my other side.

"VI give me a playback on TS-19."  Jenner yelled.

"Few people ever got a chance to see this. Very few." On the screen there was a CAT scan of someone's head.

"Is that a brain?" Carl asked.

"An extraordinary one" jenner replied  with a hint of admiration.

"Not that it matters in the end." He added.

"Take us in for a E.I.V" he said.
The screen zoomed in on the person's brain. Showing lights flickering.

"What are those lights?" Shane asked.

"Its a persons life, experiences, memories. Its everything. Somewhere in all that organic wiring, all those ripples of light, is you, the thing that makes you unique. And human."

"You dont make sense ever?" Daryl asked.

"Those are synapses, electric impulses in the in the brain. That carry all the messages. They determine everything a person says, does or think from the moment of birth to the moment of death."

" death? Thats what this is, a vigil?" Rick asked

"Yes or rather the playback of the vigil." Jenner said.

"This person died?" Andrea asked


"Test subject 19, someone who was bitten and infected and volunteered to have us record the process... VI, scan forward to the first event." The screen show's something black infecting the brain.

"What is that"i aksed

"It invades the brain like meningitis, the adnenal glands hemorrage, the brain goes into shut down, then the major organs." The light in the slowly shut off.

"Then death" jenner added.

" everthing you ever were or ever will be... gone."  The thought of death made my heart beat fast. I beginning to breath fast until i felt a hand take hold of mine. I looked to see daryl giving me a reassuring look. I felt myself calm down. I squeezed daryl's hand to say that im fine.

"Is that what happened to jim?" Sophia asked carol.

"Yes" she answered.

The room was quiet again. Everyone was sad or crying, but andrea was worse and jenner saw it.

"She lost someone two days ago. Her sister." Lori said. Jenner understood.

"I lost somebody too. I knew how devasting it is, scan to second event." The subject came back on the screen.

"The resurrection times vary widly. We had reports of it happening in as little as three minutes, the longest we heard was 8 hours, in the case of this patient, it was two hours, one minute....7 seconds."

The screen showed the brain restart but not completly. Jenner told us that the human part doesnt come back and that its a mindless thing driven on instinct. He also told us that there was no one else out there who knew what was going on.

We came here for answers, but only found more questions.

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