Kunikida Doppo: Night

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Blood seeped through (Y/n)'s mind, her fists clenching her own dress as she flashes through different images. The crunching noises of bones underneath the soles of a person's shoes, the splatter of blood that landed on their skin - "What do you see (Y/n)?"

The young lady's eyes clears as it reflects the moonlight, "I don't know where this person is - but I'm sure that it's a graveyard somewhere."

"No not a graveyard," Kunikida responds as he opens up a map of Yokohama, "Dazai-san, where is that place you recently tried to commit suicide?"

Dazai contemplates, "Oh that nearby river..."


Kunikida fixes his glasses, the evident firmness in his pose concludes his resolve towards the mission. The trio in the room began to gather their things, Dazai leaving first for their plan.

"We'll be back before morning," Kunikida reassures his partner, "This man's forsakens ideals of the dead will be held against him when we catch him."

(Y/n) shakes her head, her pulse dangerously pumping a sense of fear, "You don't know that - the sounds of bones crackling under his feet, his cackle was horrendous; how would you expect we will survive if he manages to outrun us for a month?"

"I will reassure you that this time we will find him," the man of ideals responds, "When we do, we will be together again."

(Y/n)'s ability - (favourite book); the ability to resurface memories of a dead being.


Author's note: omg school is starting soon and I have to laugh because I have not been so productive here x"DD

I have a question for my readers - I'm sure if you've been following me for some time you know that I'm like incest for Dazai. Now I may or may not have written a legit series for Dazai, but if you guys wanna read it let me know in the comments~

Would you be interested in reading it or not?

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