Sakaguchi Ango: Afternoon

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(Y/n) was a queer lady with many queer issues in her life - having an image as the daughter of a governor she had to keep up that oddity. In fact, many politicians whom had worked with her encouraged her to do so for the sake of her father.

Not as if her father was cruel nor was her abusive, he was overprotective. (Y/n) respected him in return he respected her; she deeply held affection for her father and would admit herself she would feel at lost if he was gone from her life.

And it was one afternoon when they spent tea together as they cozened- (Y/n)'s father lightly suggested her on going out on a date, "Well... I've realized myself that I can't make the same mistake with your mother, I want you to meet someone - a man whom you can hold high trust with."

The young lady nodded in agreement, she did not reject the idea at all but was intrigued by it. It was a chance for her to help the government get as many connections as possible in addition to lowering the burden for her father. She sat there sipping her half fanned tea, twirling a strand of (h/c) hair as she contemplated on the idea itself.

"Well?" Her father asked after an odd silence.

"I wouldn't mind at all actually..."

After those few words of motivation, (Y/n) found herself conversing with one of the most profound man in the Special Abilities Department of Yokohama - Sakaguchi Ango.

This man was wise, although irritated with eas, he was organized and thoughtful. They exchanged many diplomatic opinions upon how human traficking should be controlled or about how illegally deported ability users should be looked upon. Sakaguchi Ango was someone (Y/n) could have fallen in love with.

Because in the afternoon as Sakaguchi Ango and (L/n) (Y/n) ate crispy baguettes and sipped cinnamon tea - the man had suddenly bowed offering a small gift of his affection.

"Will you perhaps engage in more diplomatic and affectionate conversations with me this afternoon?"


Author's note: WUHHHH DYAN DYAN! There's been a lot going on and I suggest you guys go read my uh... bloggy styled book >>> "A "LITTLE" BIT ABOUT MYSELF"

That is if you want to know what I do other than being a massive nerd about literature and writing one shot fanfics x"DDD

Im not feeling well lately and actually I really want to know if any of you guys know Joker Game? Or 91 Days?

Please let me know in the comments ;)

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