Fyodor Dostoyevsky: Morning

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(Y/n) stared out the window, she watched the morning birds fly over those tall trees, at times they would perch at the branches with their friends. She sighed at this.

The birds' and their freedom was something she had wanted quite a while now; it was ever since Fyodor had captured her within his bar-like fingers. (Y/n) was caged, she could not move, she could not speak against him. She was just a like a doll for a little girl to love and play with.

"You're being immature Fyodor!"

But all that came to (Y/n) was a slap on the face and a stinging bite that usually came on to her neck. It was blood for man with a weak anemic constitution.

She would sit there in her chair, sometime bleeding for hours before Fyodor came back to apologize like a sorry little puppy. He would lap the wound clean before applying medication on it; he fixed like fixing a doll.

In no other words, (Y/n) was just someone he had loved too much to lose. Of course she understood that, but the morning to come is just another red skied day; she would have her hair pulled out of nowhere before she was showered with kisses and asked if she wanted to be eaten.

"You're my breakfast today (Y/n) dear, because your blood always fulfills my tummy there~" Fyodor whispers in her ears, his cold hands gripping her wrist like cuffs before indulging himself in the woman's blood, "Look at that you're losing a lot of blood because of me... I should probably give you some food...

Say... what do you like to eat in the morning?"

Just another pretty little doll to be held in a little girl's hands. (Y/n) dare not to speak, for Fyodor would pluck out those feathers of freedom from her, she would never see the morning sunshine again.

_ FIN _

Author's note: I kinda said to someone *you know who you are* xDDD that I would update like... yesterday~? But then I got caught up with Season 2 Ep 4 and I started crying like friiiikkkkk --- I was so sure that Oda had read my mind ;;;;

Literally I relate to Dazai in a way but that is my personal life so I'd rather not talk about it in this book XDDD

And so here we Fyodor Dostoyevsky~ And just to clear things up--- when he says he has a "weak anemic constitution" it just means he has anemia and drinking blood won't really solve anything about it but all he wants really is just for y'allz readers to not run away--- y'allz the masochist here let's admit it XD

And so until next time~ If you liked this chapter please vote, comment or share or do whatever you want~ x"D Constructive criticism is appreciated but please keep the comments down there moderated!!! (Pls I beg of you so that no one gets reported by wattpad ;;;;)

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