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"She cannot go out looking like that!" Niall exclaims as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Mum! Tell Dad he's being completely unfair!" Melody exclaims as she mimics her father's actions and crosses her arms.

"Honey, you are being unfair, I mean she's wearing leggings and a tank top with leggings!" I sigh as I step in front of my husband.

"Leggings are provocative! And the shirt shows her stomach!" Niall complains.

"She's 16! And it shows less than an inch!" I argue. "And I wore leggings all the time when we were younger!"

"Exactly, and now we have 3 kids at the age of 36!" Niall complains.

"And whose fault is that?"

"Go Mum!" Melody snickers from the sidelines.

"Yours because you were wearing those damn leggings!"

"She's going out with her friends!" I whine.

"One of which is a guy!"

"Dad, we've been over this, Arthur is gay!" Melody exclaims. "I'm leaving, Sophie is waiting."

"Don't you dare walk out that door young lady!" Niall yells.

"Have a nice evening!" I call after her as she closes the front door. "You have to pick your battles, hon," I laugh at his defeated face.

"I did! I picked that one!" He groans.

"She's sixteen, Niall, let her live a bit!"

"They showed too much!"

"They showed nothing! If you keep acting like this, she'll only rebel more," I reason.

"Whatever," Niall groans, wiping his hand over his face. "Where's Jai?"

"He's going out with a girl tonight, somebody named Angela? Her Mum was a huge fan of One Direction."

"Of course she was," Niall chuckles. "And where is Thomas?" The band had ended a few years ago, once their second contract with Modest had run out, but we still kept in contact and were still as close as ever.

"Sleeping," I reply as he mentions our two-year-olds name.

"Then it's just you and I," Niall smiles and I groan.

"Every time you say that I think of your stupid song!"

"Hey! I wrote it about you!"

"I know, that's why it's stupid- you wrote it!" I giggle.

"Oh really," Niall smirks as he approaches me. "Is it stupid now?" He reaches out and starts to tickle me and I squeal in surprise.

"Yes!" I breathe out and he continues to tickle my sides.

"Ew! Mum! Dad! Stop having sex on the couch!" Jai exclaims as he comes running down the stairs.

"Your Mother said my song was stupid," Niall says as he glances at our son.

"No offence, Dad, but your whole band was stupid," Jai laughs and Niall frowns.

"I'm telling your uncles you said that," He pouts and I giggle.

"Do you need a ride?" I ask Jai as I sit up.

"No thanks, Angela's Mum us driving us," Jai says. "Do I look OK?" I glance at my nervous 16-year-old son. His hair had turned to a darker brown over the years, unlike Melody's, but his eyes were still the same vibrant blue. He was the team captain of the high school soccer team, and he also played guitar. Melody was captain of the dance team, and was the top student, she also sang like an angel, but only in the shower, she had huge stage fright.

"You really like this girl, don't ya?" Niall asks and Jai blushes.

"Yeah," he confirms.

"You look great," I smile. "Now go, don't leave her waiting!" I laugh and he nods before rushing out of the room.

"We did well," I say as I stare into my husband's eyes.

"Yes we did," He replies with a smirk.

A/N The End! Hope you enjoyed the journey with Niall and Jess and I hope you check out my other books, I think they're a lot better written then this one! Enjoy!


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