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Lil Troubles The truth comes out.

“I know I heard him, but I want to hear it from you. I want to hear the words come out of your mouth. No, I want you to tell me he’s lying actually,” Liam stutters.

“Li-I can’t. I can’t lie to you anymore…” I mutter.

“So it’s true?” Liam asks. I open my mouth to reply but nothing comes out. “Is it true?” He asks again with more force. I continue to open and close my mouth like a gaping fish. “IS IT TRUE?” Liam snaps and I flinch back at the tone of his voice.

“Liam…I was just a relapse. And I mean come on you kidnaped me for a reason, didn’t you figure it out?” I snap back annoyed. “Just because you’re my brother doesn’t mean you can control my whole life! You don’t need everything about me, Liam!”

“I think I should know this part of your life! This is important! This is why we kidnapped you!”

“Oh, so you didn’t kidnap me to meet me? You didn’t care enough to come and say hi? It was just to look good and feel good, right? To make you feel better about yourself? Oh look you TRIED to save a girl! You almost managed, but you forgot to pay attention, you just kidnapped me and then continued on with your life!”

“Jess, that’s not what I meant,” Liam says.

“Oh look, at least someone knows my name,” I mutter under my breath.

“What?” Liam asks. “Of course I know! Who doesn’t? Niall!” Liam jokes smiling slightly. His smile fades as tears start falling faster. “Niall knows your name!” Liam exclaim in a reassuring voice.

“Hm, maybe…maybe not. I mean isn’t Grace more important?” I ask frowning.

“Did I miss something?” Liam asks. “Grace as in the slut he was dating when we kidnapped you?”

“Yeah, didn’t you know? Grace is apparently my new ‘nickname.’”

“Niall called you Grace?” Liam asks catching on to my vague attempts of explaining it.

“Yup,” I mutter.

“I know something that’ll cheer you up,” Liam says completely forgetting about our previous conversation. “Come on, we’ll talk about the cutting later.” Liam grabs my upper arm and pulls me towards the elevator.

“Thanks for bringing me here,” I say as I hold my son in my arms. Liam had Melody in his arms.

“No problem sis,” Liam replies. “They look just like you.”

“Really? I thought they looked more like Niall. I mean they have brown hair, but both Niall and I have brown hair, and their blue eyes? Definitely Niall’s kids.”

“Yeah but look at the structure of their face, the high cheek bones, and the nose and red lips? Definitely yours and Niall’s kids.” Liam replies making me study Jai more.

“Hello,” A friendly looking nurse says as she walks over to Liam and I. “Are you Jai and Melody’s parents?” She asks and I look over at Liam disgusted.

“Ew! No! Sorry, but he’s my brother. The father is at home right now.” I reply shaking my head.

“Oh, um sorry, anyways you can take Jai and Melody home tomorrow, they’ve been doing great!” The nurse smiles.

“Really! That’s fantastic!” I exclaim bringing Jai closer to me, if that was even possible.

“Alright, I’ll let you get back to your babies, when you’re ready to leave just come to the front desk to sign some papers for tomorrow.” The nurse smiles before stepping away and walking towards another family.

“Did you hear the Liam! They can come home tomorrow!” I exclaim.

“That’s great! But what are you going to do about Niall and you?” Liam asks immediately putting a damper on my mood.

“I don’t know, we’ll figure it out,” I reply trying to shrug it off.

“Hm, let’s go do that now,” Liam nods.

“Liam…” I groan.

“Look, these are my niece and nephew. I will not let them grow up with a dysfunctional family.” He proclaims.

“Well then, I guess we have to go,” I sigh standing up and placing Jai in his portable bed thingy.

“If it makes you feel better, we can bring a pigeon along,” Liam sighs and I smile happily.

“You know, first a pigeon attacks him on the toilet, then a squirrel attacks him…I think we should buy a dog.” I smirk.

“You’re evil…Can we name him Woody?” Liam asks.

“How about Buzz?”


“Just kidding! We’re naming him Dino.”

“But-“ Liam starts, but I interrupt.

“If you want to name a dog after Toy Story, go buy your own.” I scold.

“Fine, we’ll make a pit stop.”

“This one, it looks like a Buzz,” I say pointing to the cute bulldog.

“But this one looks like a Woody,” Liam says pointing to a shaggy looking brown dog.

“But look,” I say as I pick up the bulldog and hand him to Liam.

“He is cute…” Liam sighs glancing sadly at Woody. I see Liam cringe and hold the bull dog away from him.

“Wha-Oh…” I laugh as pee trails down Liam.

“I think I’ll take Woody,” Liam stats as he hands the apologizing employee the bulldog.

“I want the husky please,” I say and the employee goes to do whatever pet shop employees do.

“Are you sure they’re safe? They weren’t hurt the babies?” Liam asks.

“If he lays a paw on my babies he will be in a new house in no time,” I reply surely.

“Are you sure it’s a Dino?”

“Yup,” I reply as Liam and I head to check out.

“Alright, so we have everything we need for them?” Liam asks glancing at our full carts.

“Yup,” I reply again. “Let me just take my puppy home!”

Woody on the side! Sorry it’s so short!

Lil' Troubles ~Chaptered Epilogue~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu