Not a chapter! Idea! Vote!

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Hey guys,so the last note I left isn’t getting many replies so I thought I’d do this instead. I’m going to give you a summary for all my ideas and you vote for your favourite idea in the comments! So yeah…

Idea 1

One night changed everything. A dance competition gone to waste, one broken girl, one brother who blamed everything on her and one boy who kept trying to get closer and closer. Kendall was excited, she was finally going to get to live her dream. She had just won first in her Dance competition and had gotten a scholarship to one of the biggest dance schools ever. It was all her or her parents could talk about. The sound of screeching metal and shouts from her parents interrupted the congratulations. When she woke up she was in the hospital with a crying brother that she hadn’t seen in 2 years and his 4 band mates. Her parents were dead, and it was her fault. She gave up dancing, she stopped talking, and she stopped caring. Moving in with the one brother that hated her everything seemed pointless to her, until one guy stepped. (Brother=Niall Horan. Louis Tomlinson=Guy.) (A/N So yeah that summary sucked but that would be what it’s be about J So yeah vote if you like this idea best!)

Idea 2

She was in a rush. Could you blame her? Well fangirls could but it was an accident! It didn’t seem to really faze him anyways. Well…she didn’t think so. She kinda ran off before she could. It wasn’t her fault! She was late for a very important photo shoot and if she was late her boss would’ve killed her. Unfortunately she now how to go through the shoot without Hot Chocolate. All because of Harry Styles. (A/N Short I know but yeah um…vote for this is you want this one!)

Idea 3

How could her mother not tell her! Her mother was getting married! Kendall hadn’t even noticed she was dating someone. Not the point though! The worse part of it all was that she was getting married to Bobby Horan…making Niall Horan her step-brother. Of all people it had to be that asshole. The one who had made her school life hell. Her neighbour who bullied her both day and night. The boy who had cut her hair while she was sleeping. But she was nerdy back then. Now she wasn’t. Would he even recognize her? Has he changed? Will she fall for one of the boys? And is Niall going to turn into the over-protective brother? (A/N Yeah so I’m not telling you who the guy will be but vote if you like this one best.)

Idea 4

A mute girl sending letters to a famous boy band member. Yeah that would work out well. Kendall didn’t care though. He could stop reading if he wanted to. It was nice to get everything off her chest, I mean she couldn’t talk about it. What happens when this certain boybander shows up at her doorstep demanding she go on tour with him. Will he get her to talk? Will they fall in love? (A/N Yeah so again not telling you which guy! Vote if you like this one!)

Idea 5

They met when they were 4. She had moved to Ireland and was his new neighbour. They grew closer and closer until they were inseparable! Then came Xfactor. He grew famous and stopped talking to her.

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