In His Eyes Short Chapter

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3rd Person's POV

                He’d always wondered why his Mum refused to step foot into a park. It wasn’t one of those things where you could just think up explanations. You couldn’t go and be like, maybe it’s because of this, or maybe it’s because of that. There was really no logical explanation. He had asked plenty of times, when he was younger, if they could go to the park to play, but his Mum just shook her head no and walked away.  When he was about 10-years-old he finally gave up on asking. He went off, he became famous, he went to the park by himself, and he didn’t find anything wrong with it. And then, finally, after months away from home, he came back to Wolverhampton, and he found his answers. 

                The puzzle pieces seemed to snap into place now. The picture of the puzzle, being a brunette girl with wide brown eyes, walking through the snowy streets of Canada. His sister. Not Ruth or Nicola, no, they had blond hair. No this girls name was Jessica Anne Payne, but she went by Jess Calaway. She was born October 15th 1994 in Wolverhampton, England, to a woman named Karen Payne. She had an older brother and two older sisters, not that she knows that.

                When she was 5 and Liam was 6, they were at the park, and Jess went down the slide, but never came out. They kept searching for her, but when the police found a five-six year old girl in the river, they presumed it was Jess and stopped searching. Liam knew it wasn’t his little sister, but as he grew up, he slowly forgot about her. The doctor said that Liam simply chose not to remember her. That sometimes you force yourself to forget and that’s what Liam did.

 Being rich had its perks. Perks like being able to the best private investigator ever. And when he found her, he had to make…so he sent Louis into her room to take her blood. So, technically he stole her blood while she was sleeping.  And then when he got the results back…he kidnapped his sister, which it wasn’t really kidnapping, just taking back.  

One kidnaping led to a lot more than he thought it would.

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