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Lil’ Troubles-Chapter 2-Names

“I’m hungry,” Niall whines as we all plop down on the couch.

“You just ate half of the buffet at the wedding last night! And then you ate all the pancakes this morning!” Louis exclaims in a high pitch voice.

“Ah! Ah!” I start saying.

“What are you doing?” Aleria asks.

“Trying to see if I can go higher then Lou,” I reply.

“Higher? What?” Louis asks confused.

“Well you have a really high pitched voice sometimes, and I was wondering if I could get a higher pitch,” I explain smirking.

“Hey! That’s mean!” Louis gasps.

“I know, I was lying. My mouth was just asleep. Or numb, I don’t think a mouth can fall asleep. Can it?”

“You’ve got a keeper, Horan,” Liam says.

“Hey! She’s your sister!” Niall says.

“You know I’m feeling kinda unloved,” I say rubbing my whale sized tummy. It kind hurt. Not the rubbing, the whale sized tummy. Not the whale sizeness of it but the… the actual tummy? Does that make sense? It does to me so there!

“Ow,”I mutter as a sear of pain runs through me.

“What? Are you alright?” Niall panics.

“I’m alright,” I mutter holding my stomach. “Just a bit of unexpected pain. Hey Niall?” I ask in a whinny voice.

“Yes?” Niall asks.

“Go get me a Milkshake.”

“Go make one,” Niall groans.

“No, go get me one made somewhere with yummy french fries, and get me some of those too. Ow,” I say.

“Are you sure you’re OK?” Niall asks standing up and grabbing his keys.

“Yeah, I’m sure, just get me a Milkshake, and then we can watch a movie,” I say and Niall nods walking out the door.

“So,” Louis says breaking the silence. “I was thinking I think that you should name lil’ Louis, Louis,” Louis says.

“And I was thinking and I think that big Louis should put a- Ow! - sock in it,” I snap as I clutch my stomach.

“Jess, are you positive you’re alright?” Liam asks and I sigh.

“I’m fine! I just want a milk shake!” I snap.

“No need to snap at me,” Liam mutters.

“Don’t take it personally, it’s the hormones talking,” Eleanor says and I frown.

“That sounds so weird.” I mutter and everyone looks at each other.

“I can just imagine tiny little particle type thinks yelling at each other,” Harry says slower than usual.

“Hey Harry?” I ask. “If you talk really really really slow would you stop talking completely?”

“That doesn’t even make sense,” Harry says and I smile.

“It does in my brain.”

“What brain?” Harry snorts and I frown.

“That’s rude,” I say as ‘tears’ fill my eyes.

“What did you do Harry?” Niall asks as he comes waddling into the room. He had somehow managed to carry 4 stacks of 4 drink trays in one hand and two huge bags in his other hand and not drop any of it. He plopped the bags on the ground before putting the stack of drinks on the coffee table and handing out milkshakes.

“He-He said I had no brain,” I “sob.”

“Styles! Apologize!” Niall growls and I try to hide my smirk. I really did have him wrapped around my fingers didn’t I?

“Why should I? She deserves it after all the single jokes she cracked,” Harry grumbles. I pretend to sob louder.

“HARRY!” Niall yells.

“Alright, I’m sorry,” Harry says.

“I know,” I say turning my head to smile at him.

“You-You faked it?” He asks and I smirk.

“May-OW!” I groan.

“Jess?” Niall asks.

“Ni, I think they’re coming,” I mutter clutching my stomach.

“They aren’t due for another 2 months!” Niall exclaims and I shrug.

“What can I say? They’re excited to meet me,” I say as I groan in pain.

“Right, well then let’s get going, I can’t wait to meet Louis and Eleanor,” Louis says as he claps his hands.

“Please, can anyone but Louis drive? I want to get there this year,” I mutter.

“Hurtful,” Louis whines.

“I’ll drive,” Liam says.

“The girls, Harry and Zayn and I will go in another car,” Danielle says.

“Perrie, or someone, can you go and get the backpack on the back of my door it had all the baby stuff in it,” I say as Niall rushes me out the door.

“Sure!” Perrie replies and I smile as I’m placed in the car.

“Oh my God,” I whisper as my two babies are brought to Niall and I.

“Their beautiful,” Niall mutters as a tear runs down his face.

“Say hello to the world,” I mutter to my baby girl as Niall holds the baby boy.

“What are you going to name them?” Liam asks.

“I think we’ve decided on…”

Hey guys! I hope you like it! Alright so please post your suggestions for baby names in the comments! Also get me to 35 voted for the next chapter please!!!!



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