Chapter 3: The Knight's

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(Kalia's Pov)

Siting in the back of a black cargo van on the floor was not only bumpy, but un-comfortable. A man with brown hair glanced back and forth at me every now and then. I decided it was better to just keep my gaze on the floor. I thought of my options about getting away when the opened the door. One, punch this brown headed man in the nuts then run into the woods. Second, there wasn't a second plan it was either plan one or live with vampires for however long Cody decides. Chills surfaced on my skin think about him, and the other fact that I was in a van with two other vampires. We came to a sudden halt and I slammed my head onto the wall on the car. I gasped touching the back of my head and looked at it to see blood.

"Are you alright?" The brown haired man asked kneeling down at me I shrugged showing him the blood on my fingers. I looked down at the car floor as the back door opened.

A girl with shoulder length hair, tanned skinned, and blue eyes. She was dressed in a simple outfit. Jeans, with a white tank top and sandals.

Sadly, I was still in the skin tight gold dress that I had woken up with on at that place.

"I'm Alli, Cody's Sister, your name?"

"Kalia." I said quietly she smiled.

the brown hair man stepped out and walked away and Alli helped my out of the van.

"We will be great friends..." She said after a while of silence

"I thought I was only here for only one reason.." I said puling the tight dress down.

"I actually like making friends believe it or not.." We stopped in front of a gate and I looked over at her and she looked at me and smiled.

"Princess Alli" the two guards said in unison before opening the gate.

"This is the Knight Towers, where they sleep, eat, live, and train for battle."

"With what? Do they fight any supernatural's?"

"Not Witches, or werewolf's, as far as I know Cody had made a pact

Between the mutts and us. They have their territory and we have ours."

"So Cody runs the Knights?"

"More like trains them for battle. Cody has a special power of strength, agility, and is able to sense things. Most only have one specialty but my dad thought Cody should become a knight, and he worked him harder than any of us." I nodded not wanting to ask to many questions, ignoring the fact that I had a huge headache. We walked on, and into the building, men and woman coming out of thousands of doors gave me their second glances.

"Don't worry about them Kalia. There not used to company and they are on break until Cody arrives." I nodded walking faster to keep up with her.

We exited the building after what seemed like twenty minutes of walking and into another building.

"This is the Medic center," she said opening one of the double doors. The walls where a sky blue and blue railings, there where long corridor of rooms and hospital beds and wheel chairs stood in the hallway.

" There are at least two hundred fifty doctors, and three hundred nurses."

"Why so many?" I asked as we stepped into an elevator

"For the Knights after a battle, if any are wounded they came here. The Medic center is also connected to the castle but not the Knights tower."

"But Vampires heal.."

"Only the worse come here, when they need a little care."

"Why? I mean, wouldn't it be better if it where connected in the Knights place or whatever?"

"Yeah, but the castle was just built like that.." I nodded and the elevator doors opened to a small hallway I stepped out looking a sign 'Dr. Dean Rollins'

"You coming?" I looked over and quickly walked over to her.

"So where are we going now?I said, as we walked straight and into a hallway.

"To sleep." I nodded I couldn't help but wonder how my life would change being with vampires, they had killed my first foster family then Darcy found me one day after sitting outside Starbucks for ten minitues. From the glimpse that I had gotten from the outside the castle was beautiful, then the image of Cody had came into my mind, he went to my school. He was in our freshman supernatural class, he was a supposed expert on lycanthropy yet he had to be tutored by a witch that was in his sophomore class named Aria. My thoughts crumbled when I had ran into Alli.

"I'm so sorry.." I said not wanting to fight.

"Its fine, Are you allergic to anything?"

"Dairy..." I said

"Dairy?" Alli asked


"Your different from the other girls Cody chooses." I tried to remember the different halls and stairs we went up and down but it was no use.

"Okay this is your room. Cody's is on the end of the hall. Then the rest of us are down a different hall." She opened the door and turned on the light I walked in. It was a beautiful dark brown room, it wasn't my style but I would have live with it.

"We haven't got all your clothes from your closet and stuff but we will have them for you in the morning. There's a pair of night clothes in the bathroom on the counter along with the outfit you had on before the dress which is washed and in the closet. Cody will be here in three days. Anyway Goodnight Kalia." I smiled and I was left alone falling onto the bed and staring at the blank ceiling. I signed and looked over at the bedside table to find my IPhone 5s, silver in color. I quickly grabbed it and saw messages from my friend Jason, My adoptive brothers, and Chloe. What didn't make sense was Darcy and Richard hadn't called or texted me asking where I went. I quickly texted everyone that I was fine and I would see the hopefully later. Which probably wasn't the best idea being I'm living in a house with vampires- scratch that- in a Castle with the most powerful vampires in the United States...


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