Chapter 56: Someone Loves You

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(Kalia's Pov)

William had surprised us all, coming to attack right before it got dark. Cody and I were talking about us, when it had gotten into and argument when Daniel had opened Cody's door and told us the William was here. Cody ordered him to get the Knights ready. I stayed behind as I watched from Cody's window banned from going outside. I watched as fire spread, men falling to their death, phased wolfs dying.

"It's a shame your banned from going outside, I had a feeling you were in his room. What were y'all doing? Fighting? Kissing? Mid-sex?" William chuckled darkly into my ear and I pressed him against the wall my hand around his neck, as my claws drew blood. He easily knocked me down over the couches and my back collided with the wall, pictures falling off the wall before falling onto the floor.

"I didn't come here for Cody, my friends are here only to serve as an distraction while I kill you." He said throwing a knife and I moved as it sunk right into the wall behind me. I stood up and cautiously moved along the wall watching William.

"You've said that a thousand times, when are you going to man up and do it." I spat.

"I could wait," he paused. "Let Cody watch as I rip your heart out and absorb your power. Or I can watch from the corner as I slit your throat and leave you too bleed out on his bed." he said stopping pulling out another knife and twisting it around.

"Very good choices that would leave Cody heart broken. But wait. You already broke his heart by not getting back together with him." He chuckled darkly as he circles me.

"Will he even care that you are dead?"

"Your twisted William, your insane."

"I'm not honey." He laughed.

"Well if your going to kill me. Your going to have to bring your A game because I'm fighting for my life." He smirked and threw the knife into the wall, and I moved away from the wall to fight.

We threw punches, kicks, until we both were bleeding. Body slams, throwing each other into walls (which William had done, when he threw me one of the many times) the door was broken off his hinges from where I had thrown William.

I kicked him in the jaw and crawled away from him but he only grabbed me sinking his claw into my ankle as I yelled out in pain. He lifted me up as if I was just a fish, hanging backward, letting blood pool on the floor from the deep wound on my neck before dropping me. He kicked my side and I groaned, he kicked a couple more times before I coughed blood onto Cody's wooden floor. I laid in the fetal position, as I watched William spit blood onto the floor, as he walked over to me. We were both exhausted we fought for hours it seemed like. I stood up when he pulled the knife from the wall.

"You've been training I can tell." He breathed pointing the knife in my direction before charging at me. We busted through one of Cody's windows, a couple seconds later I hit the ground on my legs but immediately collapsed onto the grass. William had laid their a few minutes as I found the knife laying beside the small pond Cody had a company build less than a few days ago. I looked at William, who was just laying there (probably broken his back, he was in the middle of healing) I rolled over onto my stomach, standing up with a wince, gripping my rib area and crawled over to the knife. I almost had it before William had tackled me down.

He threw his hand back and pushed the tip through my skin before I fought him back. I yelled out in pain as the blade went deeper.

"I'm going to have your power Kalia Petrova." He said as I pushed back on the knife and winced as my hands were cut open and began to bleed. I spit on his face and hit the knife out of his hands throwing it to the side. He wiped off his face before we fought; him on top, me on top, him on top, then we hit the water. It was surprisingly deep, which I wasn't expecting as I was pushed under water.

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