Chapter 58: Cant Wait To Watch You Burn

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(Cody's Pov)

Kalia hadn't left the house in weeks, it would total a month next Friday. She barely sleeps just cries, though she's past the depression part about loosing someone. She's been grieving for a couple days so she could become vengeful any day now.

We grew closer, I didn't want to take advantage of her during this hard time but hell we both were drinking and she kissed me and she was all over me. Damn her body was perfect to me. Things got out of hand and it escalated quickly. Let me tell you first, Kalia was the clingy type of girl when she's drunk. We ate out most of the time, with me going to get food and bringing it back. She had retired from being in her room too stay with me in the Living room to watch TV, we usually didn't talk. We would sit in silence on our phones or watched as the pictures moved across the screen.

Now we talk. We talk around midnight when everything gets personal. She'd tell me about Matt and I'd sit there and listen before telling her about the better part of my childhood. She had moved on from the subject Matt recently and talk about Peter, and sometimes our relationship. Hell what I said months ago telling her I wish I'd never meet her was a lie, she wouldn't take me back so I said harsh things-that I didn't mean-that had obviously hurt her a lot.

Since our drunken night we didn't sit on two different couches on either side of the couch. Kalia developed a schedule. After we ate we would sit in the living room and watch tv. She would pick her spot right beside me, pull a blanket over her legs and watch the TV, eyeing me every now and then. She would get on her phone after watching it for an hour.

Rarely she got out with me, but she started to. We'd make small talk in the car, I'd ask her where she wanted to eat she tell me and sometimes she's get out and order with me. But one wrong look, she was back in the car, it happened once. She's so paranoid that someone will ask her about Matt, or that that someone is well was in Matt's pack and searching for their New Alpha.

So we'd eat dinner back at the house. She'd shower then sit in the living room beside me, and we talk till she fell asleep on me and I carry her to her bed and lay her down. The first couple weeks following Matt's death she had actually wanted we to sleep in the bed with her. Let's not confuse sleeping together and actually 'sleeping together.' She'd get worried because there was no blood in the fridge like there was at home, I know the leader of the Vampires in New Orleans, a Latina; Camilla Rodrigez and she had hit me up on my lunch runs.

My father was dying, something no one was expecting, I had been informed the day I had went with Kalia that night to fight William. Kalia had been there for me, alothough I didn't cry-I was just shocked a vampire was immortal they were supposed to live forever. Could I really become a King at a young age?

He had been stricken with an illness that couldn't be treated, he had even turned to witches to heal him, but nothing worked. He's known for months, after the Watchers had came. I'm sure they had something to do it but he was slowly deteriorating. I had payed thousands too High Warlock, Isaac Wells to look over him and get back to me with the details. He said that the process was going to be very slow, with occasional fainting spells, blood leaking from his ears, nose, he could even cough up blood. Until eventually he would comatose and pass peacefully.

Kalia sometimes wanted store food, cereal, milk, eggs, and food in general so I'd make a trip like I am now looking for some alcohol.

"How's Kalia?" I look over immediately recognizing the British voice and see Lucas anger running through me.

"Out of all the people you think you come up to me and have the nerve to ask me how Kalia is doing?"

"I have a right to know mate." I set down the bourbon and laughed.

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