Chapter 9: All Day With Cody.

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(Kalia's Pov)

The stairs creaked as I quietly walked down them trying no to bother a soul, but being quiet on these old stairs became difficult when I stepped off the last one and a dog barked. For the past month I have been here I never knew they had a dog. I cursed silently-as their dog barked twice-and walked to the left towards the library, it was my favorite place. I could go in there and think with out anyone coming in, but usually Alli comes in and decides to read another book by John Green or read the same book several times. I shut the door to the library and turned on the lights heading over to the table that was in the middle of the room and grabbed my newest book Pride and Prejudice. I sat back on the over stuffed chair and started reading...

I woke up and I was being carried, I looked up and the blonde hair was the first thing I noticed. I freaked out being it could be Cody or Jake, and I wasn't risking it being Jake. I squirmed out of his hold and stepped away from him rubbing my eye.

"Don't ever touch me." I said looking up to meet Cody's confused look.

"Alright, but you looked uncomfortable." he said pulling a cigarette out of his pocket.

"No Cody," I said grabbing his arms as he brought the cigarette to life and inhales the smoke. "I thought you were Jake." I said quietly looking over at the clock which read 9:45. He smiles and blows the smoke out and placed his free hand on my cheek

"I won't let him do anything, like that again, I promise Kalia." I sigh and just nod stepping towards the stairs. "Oh by the way Kalia?" I looked back at his and he took the cigarette out of him mouth "Nice pajamas.." He said the smoke releasing into the air as he talked. I looked down looking at my short shorts and crop top, and blushed running up the stairs to my room.

I decided to ask Cody if I could leave the castle today being I was really bored and I wanted to apologize to him about Alli's birthday. I quickly changed into some light colored ripped skinny jeans and a lose peach spaghetti strap shirt, even though Cody had seen my tattoo on my arm I still decided to wear a jean jacket. I stepped out of my room and walked down the hall and knocked on Cody's door, but there was no answer I really wanted to go so I knocked again and opened the door a bit.

"Cody?" I asked opening it wider looking at how huge his bedroom was. I checked his bathroom and he wasn't there, I signed and walked out and bumped into a small table and a book fell, it looked like a photo album. I hesitated before I picked it up.

"What in the hell are you doing in here?" I jumped at the sound of Cody's deep voice. I turned around and Cody's eyes fell on the book, I opened my mouth to speak but Cody beat me to it. "What are your doing with that!?" He yelled walking up to me and taking it from my hands.

"Where you going though my stuff?" he asked opening a locked trunk and throwing the photo album in and locking it again. "Kalia, answer me!!" he yelled

"No..I came t-"

"You know, its not nice to go through peoples stuff?" I rolled my eyes and answered him,

"I didn't even-"

"So you where 'going' to go through my stuff?" He asked turning to face me, a look of anger and curiosity painted on his face.

"I wasn't going to say that, plus I wouldn't look through your stuff, because I wouldn't want you to look through my stuff."

"Personally, I find that very flattering but you shouldn't trust a vampire, especially me sweetheart." I watched and he pulled a window up and lit another cigarette.

"Guess its to late." He looked at me before blowing the smoke out.

"And what do you mean by that?" he asked

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