Chapter 13: Humanity

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"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

- Mahatma Gandhi


I woke up in a strangers bed, a white comforter wrapped around me. Two strong arms were also around me, Cody's arms. I was in Cody's bed, his arms wrapped around me holding me against his naked chest. I stretched, which caused Cody's grip on me to tighten. I wanted to leave before he wakes up but he held on to me like a child to his favorite blanket. He didn't seemed phased by me moving around, he didn't even wake up as I turned too look at him. I studied him, the way his blonde hair held its shape, even in his sleep. I turned around and pried Cody's arms off and grabbed my phone from the nightstand, before walking out the door looking back once just to make sure he was sleeping.

I didn't really remember much from the night before, but I was sure it was just a kiss, and nothing would come out of it. I walked into my room and grabbed some shorts and a blue shirt, and walked into my bathroom and turning on the shower as I laid my clothes on the sink. I brushed my hair noticing the small amount of dry blood on my neck.

After showering I walked out of my bedroom finding Cody laying on my bed.

" You left me this morning.." he said sitting up.

"I know"

"Why?" he asked

"I wanted to shower.. and I don't remember much of last night anyway.."

"I bit you," he said honestly. "Gave you some of my blood to heal you."

"Why did you bite me?" I asked looking ou the window.

"I got carried away.. Kalia I'm so sorry." he said wrapping me in a hug, but I placed my hand on his chest. I tore my gaze from his chest to look up at him,

"You have a girlfriend.."

"I broke up with her.." he said leaning down a pressing his lips to mine.

(Kalia's Pov)

Through the last month there had been changes in the castle and outside the castle; good and bad. Another werewolf attack on Cody's knights had been fatal, all stripped of their daylight rings- I supose that was my doing, I have felt nothing but guilt since I had given the last of Cody's rock to Issac. The staff has almost tripled in numbers these last weeks, and guards lined the castle walls protecting everyone. Cody was training non stop, preparing for a war he knew was brewing with the wolves. But with his numbers decreasing and the werewolves increasing, He knew he didn't stand a chance.

Jaden had been texting me details, saying he didn't want me at the castle when this war happened. Because of my recent fling with Cody, all information about the war would go over to him. You could say I was betraying Jaden, but really I wanted to protect the boy I have developed feelings for this last month. Bad news, Cody had taken a recent trip to Italy and came back with no humanity, it didn't seem to effect our relationship at all though we weren't official, nothing held us back from each other.

But Cody with no humanity wasn't the worst-other than him not having a care in the world- Vampires had started to burn to death. And it only made Cody worse, he was losing his men and he didn't know why, until he brought Aria back into his life. Aria said another, more powerful witch was under this spell, Cody wanted her to do a tracking spell, and she said it would cost him. He paid her later that night. As much as I wanted to yell at Cody, but it wouldn't make a difference, he would only get mad and storm out of the house, and wouldn't come back till the next day. It's already happened twice with his father.

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