Chapter 25: Anger

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(Kalia's Pov)

I release my claws after connecting tally marks on a five tally. It had been a month in this prison, Cody didn't visit, and my phone had went dead about the same time I've been locked up. I was glad it was renovated, with bathroom, and glad I had a trunk of clothes that Cody had sent down.

"Kalia.." Cody voice rung out I turn to the door as Cody walked through I roll my eyes, and continued to deepen the tally mark.

"I appreciate that, thanks for scratching up my floor." I looked up at him.

"Anytime." I smile before giving him a frown.

"Come on Kalia it was only a month. Don't be a bitch about this."

"Technically I am classified as a bitch."

"Guards." I retract my claws and watched as they carried some sort of prison cuffs. I was lifted out of the blue and I pushed the guard off, Cody grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, and I gave him a look. A guard placed the cuffs on my wrist. I yanked on them and got and idea.

"Are these really necessary?"

"Just until we get to your room." Cody said as the guards got on both sides of me and led me out.

We walked down a flight of stairs and started walking down the hall way heading for another descending staircase. I slow down a bit to where I'm walking beside Cody, and I see him smile out of the corner of my eye.

I look down to the floor looking at my flats before I elbow Cody in the face yanking the cuffs apart and kicking him into the wall. A guard grabbed my and I elbowed him in the stomach a couple times before punching him in the face. I looked at that last guard before I made a run for it. I was running towards the stairs when I felt my body became stiff, and I spasm, it felt like I was having a seizure. I fell hitting my head and I looked up to see Cody with a needle, and a sudden pain in my arm before I blacked out.

(Cody's Pov)

I watch as Kalia's head bobs up and down before hearing her groan. I smile and jump of the desk and walk up to her.

"Wakey, wakey." I say as she tilted her head back looking at me. "The wolfsbane is obviously out of your system. I was going to do this easier sit down with you, but you pulled that little mishap so now I had to do this."

"You didn't have to, you chose to. You love seeing me helplessly tied down." She sneers.

"You missed several things Kalia. I fought some wolves, Alli graduated as Salutatorian - I was going to let you go like I had a dress and everything for you. But then I thought you'd run off.. I also learned a couple things."

"Is this going to be a long story? Your storytelling is so depressing." She asked

"I learned that you have a bad temper, you and your step brothers destroyed your ex Jace's car. You where expelled from school and your family moved you into Amar Academy. Where people thought you where just a regular human.." I say walking up to her.

"I also know how your triggered your gene. How you killed someone." I say I wanted to see her, her other side, I wanted to make her angry. "Jace tricked you.. Made you angry enough to kill the girl he cheated on you with."

"You took pills... For the anger" I whisper in her ear, as I hear her let out a deep shaky breath. "Who do you get it from? Mom? Jaden? Your daddy?" I watch as she clinched her fists enough to to where blood started dripping onto the floor "Peter?" I whispered in her ear again. Unexpectedly, Kalia shot out of her chair hissing at me baring her yellow/orange eyes and a row of canines. I jumped backed as she  was at the end of the chain trying to reach me but she couldn't.

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