Chapter 51: On Trial

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(Kalia's Pov)

"What is going on in here!" Cody's voice boomed as I shot up out of Lucas bed.

"Cody it's not what it look like." I said as Lucas looked over at me.

"Really?" He asks as I crawl over Lucas and stand up pushing my tank top down.

"Okay it does but all we did was sleep, if we did anything you would see clothes on the floor."

"We didn't do anything-"

"Shut up." Cody interrupted Lucas.

"Cody." I say pushing him out of the room
"I don't trust him." He says.

"Nothing happened." I say looking at the time 6am. I looked around the corner into the living room before grabbing Cody's hand and leading him upstairs and to my room. I motion for Cody to wait a minutes as I went into the bathroom and did my business and I brushed my teeth. I walked out to see Cody looking at papers Dex had given me.

"What are these?" He asked turning to me.

"Homework." I say reaching up to grab them but he lifts his arm.

"Homework on William?" He asked using both his hand to look at the papers that were out of my reach. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him, and suddenly his whole attention was on me. I smile as I hear the papers drop to the floor and his hands grab my waist pulling me closer as I lean into the kiss deepening it. We began making out and he walked backwards, and I took over pushing him onto the bed, he smiled up at me as I straddled his waist as he sat up. His hands going to my waist pushing his hands inside my shirt. I smile lifting his shirt off him as I pushed him down.

"God I love when you take over." He says and I smile and kiss down his jaw as his hands pull up my shirt, he let out a small laugh before I looked up at him. L

"God your beautiful." He says tucking a Strand of my hair behind my ear as he sat up, he looked towards my naked chest, and rolled us over pushing me up to the pillows. My hands finds his hair as his mouth found my chest and I let out a soft moan. He stopped and looked up at me before mentioning for me to be quite. I nod bitting my lip.

"The door-"

"Is locked." He finishes for me as his lips meet mine again hungrily, his hands roamed my body as mine tangled into his hair.



I laid my head on Cody's shoulder tracing his palm tree/anchor tattoo. His finger ran through my hair. Before his phone rang. He let it ring and I looked up at him and he was already looking at me. I smile and reach up to kiss his soft, plump lips. I pull away after a couple seconds as his phone rang again.

"Maybe you should answer that.." I say.

"It's my dad.. He's probably looking for me, you know gotta make a good impression to the Watchers."

"Do you want to go?" I ask sitting up on my arm.

"No. I'd rather stay at home with you." He says before sitting up to kiss me, I smile in the kiss laying back down on the bed as my hands careened Cody's cheeks. His hand ran down my stomach sending sparks, as he gave my hip a small squeeze. Once again, I pulled away at the sound of his phone.

"What if it's important." He sighs sitting up pulling on his boxers and digging into his pants. I decided to no listen in and I grabbed my phone when it vibrated.

From Matt:

Need one of you over here, Witches are going crazy after you killed Lucky. Remember every kill travels around the world. The Covens aren't happy.

Beyond Forever and Always (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora