Chapter 2: The Long and Blindling Road

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(Cody's Pov)

"Matt!!" I yelled walking down the stairs and into the foyer with Aria, my girlfriend.

"Yes?" He asked coming in through the door under the stairs.

"Where's my Daylight Ring?"

"I haven't seen it you wear it everywhere."

"Where it's not on my finger anymore." I spat

"I have to go my mother will be worried." Aria said I tried to persuade her to stay but she didn't. After the door closed, I looked at my right hand where my ring should be placed on my middle finger and my hand felt blank.

"Cody!" I got out of my trance to see my father standing beside Matt, he threw something small towards me and I caught it I opened my palm and found my ring.

"Who had this?" I said leaning over the railing.

"Your sister, Alli. She said you where both pranking each other true?"

"Yeah" I said admiring my ring, blocking out my father and walking away and up the stairs.

"You need to pick your blood slave Cody.."

"What?" I said looking over the railing to only find Matt

"Tomorrow, blood slave? Where you not listening?" I shook my head and he sighed "be ready around seven, then you have to go to Australia with your mother and father for three days" I nodded and walked up the stairs.

(Kalia's Pov)

I sat in between Ryder and Parker on the couch watching NCIS: Los Angeles.

"Why do you still wear that necklace that Jonathan gave you?" Parker asked

"Because he told me to never take it off.."

"But what if it has a GPS tracker in it? He never told you what was in it"

"Why would he put a GPS tracker in it?" I asked looking at him

"Same reason he hasn't told you what is in it. We're going out be back in a few hours.." He said getting up and Ryder followed him out the door.

I locked the door and walked up to my room, and decided to clean it, I am a big neat freak. I turned my tv on and changed it to the music channel and blasted it, as I cleaned. I dusted everything and I was dusting a photo that was in my hands when I heard a thump from downstairs. I froze. I could hear two masculine voices talking, I could be overreacting and it's just Richard-Darcy's husband and a friend of his. I set the photo down, studying it. I had taken this photo on the beach with two of my best friends Jacquie and Chloe. I turned around and continued to clean for several minutes until I heard many footsteps getting closer and closer until everything stopped and the song ended. The song had a nice beat to it and it had to have been that. I decided to change out if my lazy clothes and change into denim shorts, a grey tight fitting strapless shirt, Marc Jacobs yellow blazer, and sandals. I walked out of the bathroom to be pulled into someone's arms and into their chest, I screamed and the mans hand cupped over my mouth with a rag and I slowly slipped away from everything that was happening...

I woke up in a small white room, I quickly got off the bed and walked over to the mirror. Someone had put me in a tight fitting strapless gold/yellow club dress. I looked as if I hadn't thrashed in the mans tight grasp on me, my hair was still straight- it even looked like it was brushed. My necklace was the next thing I looked at, it was untouched. Still around my neck I lifted my hand to touch it and flip it over so it wouldn't be backwards, I caught a glimpse of my wrist it was bruised. I looked down at it walking back to the bed as it heeled instantly, I quickly turned around feeling dizzy leaning on the wall for support.

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