Chapter 10: Slaughtered For Innocence.

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(Kalia's Pov)

I woke up later than usual, I sat up leaning against the headboard and looked out the window for several minutes thinking about the past couple weeks...
I felt a hesitancy when I was with Cody, there was something to to him. Something I couldn't shake, or put my finger on, maybe it was curiosity or lust. He held an alluring quality that I couldn't let go. I despised him, maybe it was the way he carried himself, or how confidant, almost as if he was proud of the things he's done. He was so smug, and had a cocky attitude that annoyed me. Cody knew exactly what he was doing and wanted, and crazy or not I felt manipulated. As if I gave him signs showing that he was in control. He was hiding a lot of things from me, he haden't told me anything about the attack in the Library. I shook the thoughts from my head and climbed out of bed walking to my closet looking for something to wear (outfit on side). I slipped on my socks and went to get my boots when I was put in a head lock.

"Oh Kalia-"

"Let go of me you bastard.." I said trying to move his arm. He laughed as I looked over to my mirror to see my face turning red as I struggled to try everything in my power to get him to release me.
"How did you find me, Dex." I said elbowing him in the gut several times before he released me. I turned and pushed him down on the ground and grabbed my pocket knife. I placed it on his throat "I'm not asking again.." He laughed

"Cute," he pushed me off him and I dropped the knife. "You shouldn't be playing with knifes, although Jaden would be proud that you almost took me down." he said placing the knife on the dresser.

"Did Jaden send you here?" he nodded with a smile plastered to his face.

"He will be here shortly, got into a fight with some of Cody's knights.
"Your in big trouble Kalia.."

(Cody's Pov)

"Do you think they came for a reason?" Daniel asked

"Who knows, but they were prepared, we weren't. "

"Bitches killed three of my guys" Jackson mumbled from behind me, he's been pissed off ever since one of the wolves killed his 'friend' Anna. Everyone thought they where dating, because they where so close. I didn't have a problem with my knights finding someone, but if it distracted them it would have to end.

"I'm sorry we lost your girlfriend, but you need to stop being so emotional about it, she will be replaced." Jake said, I snickered when Jackson tackled Jake to the ground.

"Do I look like I'm emotional?!" he yelled and I pulled him off but he grabbed my bloodied shirt and threw me. I landed in a tree, and fell through and fell on my back and laid there a second before I got up and with every step toward Jackson my anger grew. Once back I saw Daniel brake Jackson's neck, he looked over and gaped looking down at Jackson's frail body.

"Are you okay?" I asked Jake, he nodded.

"Lets get back, Daniel you carry him."

(Kalia's Pov)

Dex, my brothers best friend. We where in a heated argument on why I was in trouble with Jaden, and he wouldn't tell me.

"Your so immature!" he yelled and I pushed him but he didn't move.

"Shut up they will hear you!" I whispered he rolled his eyes when Jaden stumbled through the window, laying on the ground exhausted. I ran up to him and helped him up giving him the water that I had went down stairs for a few minutes.

"Did you come here alone?" Dex asked and Jaden shook his head.

"The rest are hiding out in the trees and waiting." Jaden walked over to my vanity and picked up my vervain necklace while Dex pulled all the curtains close.

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