Chapter 6: Somewhere Between Fine and Pain.

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(Cody's Pov)

Jaden had left hours ago and said Kalia would wake up but be weak and would be ill for awhile. Well that's what I was doing, waiting for Kalia to wake up- I had figured since I had done this I would take full responsibility. Her hand twitched, yet it had for the last hour. Aria had text me for the hundredth time in the last thirty minutes wanting to hook up later at her place being her parents where leaving for a weekend vacation. Usually I wouldn't give the offer a second thought but I had to make sure Kalia would wake up. So I text her back.

'Can't tonight, busy not sure what is planed tomorrow. What about at my place after Alli's birthday?'

I signed and looked over at Kalia who instantly sat up as if she had a nightmare. The grabbed her lower abdomen and whipped her face with her shirt her tanned stomach showing off. She hadn't noticed my sitting there until I spoke.

"Your awake" she jumped but groaned/growled clutching her lower stomach. I walked over to her and picked her up and set her on her bed.

"Jaden said you should get some rest.. And drink whatever the hell this is" I said grabbing the clear liquid from the ground and handed it to her.

(Kalia's Pov)

Problems that where wrong with me, I was dizzy, had a headache and I was cold yet hot at the same time. I grabbed the drink from Cody and looked at him and said,

"What the hell happened to me?"

"You drank Wolfsbane, it was a prank for Alli." I nodded taking a sip of the unidentified drink, it wasn't bad it tasted like flavored water. Although, I couldn't find the flavor on my taste buds I drank the rest of it.

"I have to go into town Alli's staying here" I nodded and he got up and I meet his eyes which stayed on me until he shut the door.

A fresh shower was exactly what I needed. I changed into a white tank top and blue jean short shorts. I felt a lot better and decided to go roam the halls of the Castle. I went up a flight of stairs and went to the left I walked down the hall a bit more before I saw the white cursive letters of 'Alli' on the door. This was Alli's room, I heard a thud down on the floor below and slowly walked down the stairs I looked over the corner to find no one. I went to my room next, I couldn't help but wonder what made the noise, but I'm always wanting to know. I opened my door to find Jaden going through my stuff.

"What are you doing?" I asked shutting the door and locking it he turned around and smiled, wrapping my in a big hug.

"Thank God your okay" he said pulling away and looking around.

"How did you get in here? Cody locked all my doors to the outside. I ran off because he had touch me necklace"

"Yeah I know he hesitated to drink your blood the second time because he thought you had vervain in you." He said looking out the window.

"You let Cody feed of me?"

"Just your wrist an it was only three times to get the Wolfsbane out" I nodded sitting on my bed.

"Cody will kill me if he knew I told you everything."

"I don't think he has a problem, yes the Simpson's and the Petrova's have bad blood but I don't think he knows I'm from there."

"Trust me, I'm going to get him to hate me so he has to shorten the contract."

"That's your plan?" I nodded scratching my shoulder where my tattoo was but Jaden stopped me.

"Don't scratch it, the shot I gave you is healing you" I sighed going over to my closet and slipping on a white long sleeve wistful lace cardigan from Forever 21.

"Back to the vervain thing. Where's your necklace?" I had gotten so used to it being there I never checked it. I shrugged looking on my nightstand and in the drawers and found it.

"Here" I said slipping it on.

"Okay, you told me you need my help I had to bring someone with me but I hired a witch to erase his memory afterwards." He then looked out the window and motioned for whoever to come up I pushed him out of the way and looked down to see Jonathan climbing my the wall by the vines that grew on the side.

"Really?" I asked him

"Yeah he's the only smart one in the pack he injects himself with vervain."

"You couldn't just ask someone else?"

"I thought y'all where good friends?"

"Yeah, I thought we where too." I turned around to find Jonathan, I signed and sat in a chair over by my balcony door.

"We are" I said, "but if Cody sees I'm talking to outsiders he'll be beyond pissed"

"That's what he calls us outsiders?"

"No just people who arn't in the Castle, but live in the perimeter. So you don't count, wrong choice of words lets just get it over with."

Jonathan walked over to me and I noticed how tan he was. I noticed how stronger he had gotten just by him grabbing my wrist, an he poked the needle into my skin and the fluid ran through my body.

"It won't last forever but it will for a while, with necklace on he could still feed from you, but with the vervain he shouldn't be able to being it would burn him." I nodded

"Kalia??" Cody's raspy voice echoed through the door. I looked over at Jonathan and Jaden and motioned to the window they come from. Jaden kissed my forehead

"See ya later?" I nodded

"I'm coming!" I yelled at Cody and Jaden slipped through the window and watched as he landed gracefully and ran off. I breathed out and opened the door to find Cody with a cigarette between his lips.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" I asked he looked confused as he blew out some smoke and I coughed

"You obviously don't like people smoking, your like an antagonist to smoking."

"It kills your brain cells you asshole..."

"I was born dead.." I rolled my eyes and shut my door walking past him and he was by my side again.

"What happened to you while I was gone?" He asked inhaling the poison.


"If its because you found that I bit you, I didn't have a choice you would have died."

"And you could have killed me" I said looking at him before storming down the foyer steps

"I did jut save your life!" He said as I reached the main floor I looked up at him we started at each other intensely before he jumped from the balcony and landed in front of me. He placed his cigarette in the ash tray and looked at me he blinked once,

"You blinked, I win." I said pushing past him our shoulders rubbing together.

"We weren't playing a game!" He yelled as I entered the Library, -it had became my favorite place to go- where I found Alli sitting Indian style on the floor reading a book, it was 'Looking For Alaska' by John Green."Hey, how are you feeling?" She said placing a bookmark in her book.

"Somewhere between pain and okay" I said going to the book shelf ad looking at different books.

"That's good, you will be okay for my birthday on the twenty-fourth"

"The twenty-fourth?" I asked looking away from the books.

"Yeah Cody hasn't told you?"

"No, what are you turning?"

"Sixteen" I smiled and looked back at the shelf, "you know if Cody hasn't told you anything your welcome to come."

"Can't wait." But I could wait, I'm in some deep shit now..


Kalia's bedroom on the side

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