Chapter 46: The Watchers

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(Kalia's Pov)

The constant pounding on the door woke me up, and Cody stirred beside me. I sat up as it continued and Cody opened his eyes finally, he sat up and went to the door throwing it open. It was Matt of course, I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and watched as Cody flitted towards the window.

"You've got to be kidding me." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The Watchers are here." He said raking his fingers through his hair as I quickly walked up to him looking to see for myself.

"They aren't suppose to be here yet. Kalia you need to go."

"I'm not leaving you here." I say looking back outside. Now, a crowd lined the driveway and Cody pulled me away from the window. I was only in his shirt, and it hug over my shoulder as I desperately pulled it up.

"Kalia the Watchers are powerful, they have a witch on their side, Jamie. If they even suspect your a werewolf-"

"If Brad is onto me they'll be onto me, Brad wants me gone. I'm not running off to Jaden's this time."

"Kalia if it protects you I will place a force field between our territories. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I don't want you to either, suck it up because I'm staying." The door opened and it was Brad.

"I'm sure you've been notified, get ready." Cody sighed before he turned to me, and I felt my face heat up. "Get some clothes on, preferably a dress." He said before leaving.

Cody pulled a set of keys out of drawer and walked one to a locked white cabinet. He opened it and he lifted a glass box out of it. I watched as he set it on the table, it was his crown. It sparkled in the morning sun, it was gold different color diamonds and jewels melded onto it. The door opened and two guards carried in a large mirror followed by three men. I took it as my time to leave, and I ran through the hallway towards my room.

I took a shower, straightened my hair, and applied makeup before I walked back into Cody's room after properly changing into a black dress with a dark colored jean jacket, and black ankle boots. Cody stood on a stool in front of three mirrors and a guy helped him put on his leather jacket. He looked at me through the mirror as he buttoned the sleeves of his jacket and smiled, before turning towards me. His tattoos were hidden, the crown on his head. The back of his hair curled around the crown, and he stepped off the stool straightening his jacket. The men left with the stool and mirror.

"Prince." I say bobbing a curtsey towards him as shook his arms, lengthening his sleeves.

"Stop that." He said softly placing his arm around my shoulders. I looked up at him,

"I have to bow down to my king." I say and he shook his head.

"It's the other way around babe, a King will only fall to his knees for his Queen." I blush and he chuckles pressing his soft lips against mine, he slowly ran his hands down my back and to my waist as I wrapped my hands around his neck. Kissing Cody was the best feeling, he wasn't rough, unless you asked him to be.

I pulled away as trumpets were heard and clapping and cheering began. Cody and I made our way downstairs and squeezed my hand, and held it a little tighter as we walked outside. Cody greeted people with smiles, he'd mention a party to each of them and would give them a small card with his writing on it. Halfway down the driveway we stopped about ten feet behind Angie and Brad. I looked over to Cody and he pressed his lips against my forehead. He pulled away and I smiled.

The Watchers are pale looking people, a black hooded coat around them. As they got closer towards Brad they stopped, taking their hoods off in sync. There was a black headed woman with brown eyes, a blonde headed women with blue eyes, a black headed man with green eyes, a brown headed man with hazel eyes, and lastly a blonde headed man with green eyes. Angie and Brad moved to the side along with Alli and Tom-who didn't walk with an significant other-after they bowed and curtsied to the Watchers.

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