I stared at my phone screen for a few seconds before shaking my head and locking my phone carelessly dropping it onto my bed. I had not even been finished dressing when Nathaniel came barging into my room slamming the door shut behind him.

"What the he-"

"You called me 'Nathaniel' twice and it took you nearly 5 seconds to answer your phone when I called you. I excused that one until you told me the reason why was because you was lotioning your legs. You called me by my damn government name twice and lotioning your legs for other people to enjoy my damn legs. Omi, stop fucking playing with me", he warned.


"Baby", he interrupted me.


"It's baby", he interrupted again.

"Your name is not 'baby', Nathaniel", I disagreed.

He chuckled humorlessly, "I don't give a damn how mad or upset you are. My fucking name is 'baby', 'daddy', 'bae', or 'babe'. Do not call me that shit no more", he said afronted.

I folded my arms across my chest not feeling the slightest bit bashful about only being in a powder pink lace lingerie set. Nathaniel has seen me in a lot less on numerous occasions so this is nothing.


"BABY", he snapped.

"Who and the fuckleston mcfuckleberry the fuckity fuck do you think that you are snapping at, Nathaniel?", I snapped back.

He stared at me, his lips set in a grim line.

"I do not know who the fuck you think you are yelling at, but Naomi Vitro do not keep trying me", he quipped.


"It's fucking 'baby'", he sneered.

"Nathaniel?", I exasperated.

"Baby", he stated.

"Nathaniel", I stated.

"Baby", he snapped.

"Nathaniel", I snapped.

"Bay-bee, baby", he yelled.

"Na-than-yell, Nathaniel", I yelled back.

"Say it", he yelled invading my personal space.

"No", I yelled jabbing a finger into his face.

He crossed his eyes looking at my finger, his nostrils flaring.

"Yes", he hissed uncrossing his eyes.

"No", I protested.

"Omi", he said lowly.

"Nathaniel", I said mimicking his tone of voice.

"Call me baby", he demanded standing chest to chest with me.

"Nathaniel, leave me alone", I exasperated.

"Nope, call me baby", he denied.


"Baby", he interrupted me.

"Stahp", I groaned turning to walk away from him, but he grabbed my forearm pulling me flush against him bear hugging me trapping my arms at my sides so that I could not escape.

"Call me baby", he whined pecking my lips.

"Nathaniel?", I whined squirming in his arms.

"Baby", he said.

Baby, You're A 10 (BBW/PlusSize)Where stories live. Discover now