chapter 43

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This chapter is long again. Enjoy!!

  "You don't have to say sorry, Blake. Maybe, that thing is really important....more, important t-than me to you" -Enrique 


When I arrived home, it was already 10 pm. I felt so exhausted.

After I finished my work and attended an important meeting, I worked on my surprise for Blake. When I finished the important details, I left Glenn and the others for the finishing touches.

I felt like I used all my energy because of all the things that I did the whole day. But all the fatigue was nothing because all that effort was for my wife.

I was about to go to our room to change my clothes when my stomach suddenly grumbled. I then remembered that I haven't eaten anything since this afternoon. I heaved a sigh and went to the kitchen instead.

As usual, my dinner was already prepared by our household help at the table before she went home. I pulled a chair and sat on it before I began eating.

I was almost done eating my dinner when my eyes went to the chair where Blake used to occupy everytime we ate. I couldn't help but to feel sad and depressed all of a sudden. Every corner of the suite reminded me of her.

I used to live alone and I've never got any problem with that. I even liked it more that way and I never felt this kind of empty feeling inside me.

But when I experienced living with Blake, I felt so happy and complete that when she left me, I was left with emptiness and sadness.

I suddenly lost my appetite. I know I will never be happy again if she's not by my side.

I was about to stand up and put away the food on the table when my phone rang. I picked it up and answered it.

"Yes, Glenn?"

"Mr. Dixon, we already finished everything. It's all ready for tomorrow" he informed me. I couldn't help but to smile.

"Okay, Glenn. Thank you".

When the call ended, I took something from my briefcase and stared at it.

"I hope you'll like my surprise for you tomorrow, Angel eyes" I muttered to myself. I suddenly felt excited as I remember the face of the one I loved the most.

After seeing each other at the mall, I've been going to her house to try and court her again but she was already behaved distantly. But I would never lose hope.

I know she still loves me and that's the thing that makes me going.


I woke up when I heard my mom knocking at the door. I sleepily got up and walked towards the door with half-closed eyes.

"You have a visitor"

"It's still early in the morning, mom. Who's that?" I asked with annoyance.

"Just fix yourself and go down" She said with a smile before she turned her back on me. I heaved a sigh and closed the door. I went to the washroom and do my morning routine.

When I finished showering, I went out of the bathroom and was about to open my closet to look for something to wear when my phone rang. I quickly picked it up from my bed, where I placed it a while ago, and then answered it. It's Kelly.

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