chapter 41

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This chapter is the longest chapter out of all the chapters of my stories so far. I just kept on typing that i didn't notice that it was already too long. lol. Anyway, i hope you like this chapter. Enjoy!


I stared at the bottle of alcohol in my hands and cursed irritably when I realized that it's already empty. I put it onto the coffee table in front of me and then tried to stand up from sitting on the carpet miserably.

"Damn!" I hissed when I almost face planted on the floor because I felt like the world spun around at a high speed. I held onto the coffee table in order to regain my balance. I couldn't see properly because I was so drunk. I heard the bottles fell to the floor as I accidentally shove them with my hand.

But I didn't care about all the broken bottles on the floor. I was stumbling while trying my best to go to the room and just sleep my tired mind. Yes, sleep. These past 1 month since Blake left me, all I've been doing was to drink and sleep. I wasn't even going to work.

I've been a total loser again and did nothing than think about what happened between me and Blake.

I felt like my world ended the day she left me. I wanted to go to her and convince her to come home with me but I held myself from doing that. I knew she needed the space because of what happened but I still couldn't help but to get hurt.

I knew very well that it was my fault that she went through all that and until now, I still couldn't forgive myself. Because of my irresponsibility, carelessness and selfishness, we lost one of our supposed children.

I already had the gut feeling from the beginning that Jake was dangerous and he has an unhealthy obsession towards Blake but I didn't give much attention to it. Instead, I busied myself dealing with what happened in the past and forgot that Blake was my present.

Now I realized that the regrets are felt when it's just too late. I couldn't take back what happened even if I tried to. I couldn't change the fact that Blake got kidnapped and she miscarried one of our babies.

I opened the door but instead of going straight to bed, I remained standing there while looking at our empty bed, before I slowly stared at our wedding picture hanging on the wall above our bed. I smiled bitterly. Just like our room, my heart felt empty as I stared at our smiling faces on the picture.

"Angel eyes...Blake...Come home already" I whispered while looking at her on the picture, like she was right there in front of me and smiling at me.

"Please come back to me already...because I can't take it anymore...I missed you so much" Tears fell from my eyes. I chuckled to myself humorlessly.

I got drunk because I wanted to forget about the pain and guilt that I was feeling but the pain Is still there. Instead of going away even just for a moment, I felt like it doubled instead. My chest felt so heavy.

I slowly walked towards our bed and sat on its edge. I felt like I was going crazy as I stared at the side of the bed where Blake used to lay down. I took her pillow and hugged it before I laid down and closed my eyes.

I imagined that I was holding my wife in my arms until I fell asleep.


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