chapter 18

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Hello guys! I just got back from the Philippines and there was a lot going on so i couldn't update sooner! Anyway, i hope you like this update! Please don't be silent and let me know your thoughts on this story! Thank You!

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"Look at the next one" Jake said with an unknown emotion. An idea was already floating on my mind as I slowly looked at the next page but when I my suspicion was confirmed, I still couldn't believe it. I was staring at it for I didn't know how long before I realized that my tears were already falling down my cheeks. A whimper escaped my lips even though I covered it with my hand.

"Blake, that's enough. He's not worth it. He doesn't deserve even a single tear from you" Jake said and tried to hug me but I evaded him and stood up.

"What is this Jake? You're claiming that Quen is Enrique?! I don't believe you!" I said while shaking my head, staring at him with disappointment in my eyes. I don't know why he's doing this but for him to create this ridiculous story is beyond my comprehension. I wiped my tears furiously. He also stood up and tried to approach me but I motioned him to stop.

"Blake. I am not making this up. I hired a professional investigator to do the research. At first, I was just planning to dig any information about Enrique because I noticed something was off the first time we met. He looked like he's up to something and I wanted to know. But I was so shocked when I learned that your ex and Enrique were the same person" He explained. I don't know if I believe what he's saying. I am so confused that my head started aching.

"If you're telling me the truth, why would he do that? Why didn't he tell me about it?" I muttered to myself but loud enough for Jake to hear it.

"I think he's planning something. Even though you never told me what actually happened between you and Quen, I think he's back for revenge" I felt the tears started to well down my eyes again as I realized the big possibility of what he's saying. I remembered the things that Nerissa and Brianna told me earlier and that connected the broken line in my head. The realization of Enrique's deceit was dawning in my head. I remembered our first encounter, I actually remembered Quen the first time I stared into his blue eyes. Even the way he talks and the way he walks but I denied all that because of the total opposite in characters and behaviors of the two.

"I-I need to go" I mumbled like I was not myself and turned my back to Jake but stopped on my tracks when I heard him spoke again.

"Blake, you need to leave him now as soon as possible. Who knows what he's actually planning? If you need someone, I will always be here for you. Just remember that I love you and I would never hurt you" I heard all of that but it didn't sink in my head. I didn't answer him as I began walking away from him. My mind was not functioning well but I was surprised that my feet still led me to the place I now call home. I sat on the couch and stared into space. The tears in my eyes began to dry.

After how many minutes of just sitting and thinking there, I heard the door opened and the person on my mind entered. Suddenly, he looked stranger to me and I felt nervous. He was smiling sweet at me but I felt numb that I just stared at him blankly and didn't utter a single word. Then I gasped when I realized that he was right in front of me and kissed me on the lips.

It felt like I woke up in my dream-like state and before I realized what I was doing, I already pushed him away from me. I looked at him and he looked like he was so shocked of what I did that he remained there staring at me.

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