Toriel X Sans X Asgore

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((If you didn't read the Sans X Asgore chapter, I would suggest you do that first or else Sans' behavior is going to seem out of character))

Sans: ... *blinks*

Toriel: ... Oh dear...

Asgore: Well... I did not see this coming...

Toriel: ... This ship is... a bit... strange...

Sans: *ignoring Asgore's presence* *raises a brow at Toriel* "a bit"?

Toriel: ... I believe I meant "very".

Asgore: *feeling extremely awkward between both of them having something against him* I suppose we can all agree to disagree with this ship?

Sans: yup.

Toriel: *Glances towards Asgore* For once I am in agreement with your opinion. 

Asgore: *sighs, not knowing what else to say to both of them*

Toriel: ...

Asgore: ...

Sans: ... *furrows his brows at the silence* ... welp. there's also some fanfic our writer found. guess we gotta read it. 

Toriel: ... Well, it doesn't appear we have anything else to say about it, so might as well.

Asgore: Yes, what Tori sa-

Toriel: *shoots Asgore a glare*

Asgore: -Toriel said.

Toriel: ... *sighs*

Sans: *looks between them after the few moments of silence* ... *looks at Asgore* ... hey, asgore...

Asgore: *looks at him shocked* Yes?

Sans: i... *looks away* ...never mind. *starts typing in the link to the fanfic instead*

Asgore: ... *sighs*

Toriel: *looks between them confused, not knowing what happened between him and Sans*

Sans: *finds the fanfic* welp, here goes nothin'.

-After awhile of reading-

Toriel: Well... that was strange...

Asgore: ... Very.

Sans: ... *leans back* eh, it's not the worse i've read.

Toriel and Asgore: ... *looks towards him simultaneously, staring at him confused*

Sans: ..what? it isn't. it ain't that bad to read. at least we aren't doin' anything sexual in it. *shrugs*

Toriel: ... It's not making you uncomfortable at all?

Sans: i didn' say that, it's just not the worse i've read. if either of you started talkin' to me like i belonged to you, like you were doin' in the fic, i'd be outta here. *gestures to the door that leads to the front door area*

Toriel: *sigh of relief* You had me worried for a moment there, my friend.

Sans: *laughs* geez t, what do you think i'm into? *shakes his head at her*

Toriel:  *laughs as well* Your wording was awful, I misunderstood!

Asgore: *has just been sitting there quietly the whole time, trying not to ruin their time*

Sans: *looks over at Asgore, his laughter slowly dying* ... *clears his throat* welp, i goat to get goin' now, can't be holdin' up the next reaction. *gets up from where he was sitting*

Toriel: *bursts into ridiculous laughter* My goodness! Sans!

Sans: sorry, i know it was pretty baaa-d. *winks* *heel turns* *walks to the door* see ya. *glances between the other two monsters before leaving*

Toriel: *still laughing from the puns, seeming to have forgotten Asgore was there*

Asgore: *smiles slightly at her laugh* (At least she's happy again.) *stands up as well* *waits until she's stopped laughing to speak* I suppose he is correct, we should get going. *holds out a hand to her so he can help her stand*

Toriel: *ignores his hand, standing up on her own* Of course. *looks towards him, glaring a little at his hand* And I can help myself, I don't need you.

Asgore: *drops his hand* *looks to the side* I apologize.

Toriel: *looks him over for a moment, before leaving the room through the same door Sans left from without saying a word*

Asgore: ... *sighs* *walks out the other exit to the room* Maybe one day I'll be forgiven...

Asgore's Rating:

I would rather not have a three-way between my ex-wife and someone I knew when he was merely a child. 0/20HP

Toriel's Rating:

I don't believe I could stand to be in a relationship with Asgore again in any sense. 0/20HP

Sans' Rating:

nah, that's just a mess waitin' to happen. 0/20HP

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