14K Balance (Part One)

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 ElinaViolets brought up a very good point when they said this: Turtle-san, I should probably not ask my question, because as good as you are at rp you can't suddenly change the structure of a universe. But still, it pains me to see him(geno) that sad. Although bringing his brother back would cause Errorneousness consequences, I still can't help wanting to Color up Geno's world in brighter colors. (Really I should stop with the puns since I really mean this but I can't help myself)Though, how would Ink!Sans and Error!Sans react to my statement and bringing back Paps for Geno?

Error: *looks to ink*...

Ink: well... like you said, doing that could really mess with the universes... like a domino effect of chaos... but... i have another solution.

Error: what is it?

Ink: *starts walking away* follow me.

Error: *trails along behind him*

Ink: *talking as they're walking through the house* now, error, this idea may be completely stupid-

Error: ain't all your ideas that?

Ink: *groan* error, just let me speak. anyways, my idea was, we let this universe's papyrus talk to geno. that way, it won't mess with the timeline, and it's easy to access without disturbing another universe. now, you may be thinking, "wouldn' it be easier to  just take disbelief papyrus and have him just go with geno?" yes, but there is problems that follow that. for one, we shouldn't be sticking our noses into another universe, and two, if they meet, they won't want to leave each other, but both of them are essential to the universes they are from. if one of them just left completely, the universe would fall apart.

Error: ... *looks towards him darkly* or, we could just destroy geno.

Ink: *freezes* *turns around to him* his life is just as precious as anyone else's, and so is everyone else who inhabits the aftertale universe. you can't destroy it!

Error: why the h*ll not? they are all miserable. even the normal aftertale sans is miserable. no one in that world is happy. why not just end their pain.

Ink: that's not how it works.

Error: says who?

Ink: says me.

Error: *takes a step closer to ink* oh, so one minute, you are all about doing what is best for others, and then the next you just care about yourself and your selfish creativity? if we did what was for the best, that universe would have been destroyed a long time ago.

Ink: *holds ground* we don't have t--

Error: *gabs finger accusingly into Ink's rib-cage* did you ever take one godd*mn second in your whole life to think that maybe, just maybe, some things would be better off to be destroyed?! what? too selfish to just let a universe die? do you realize that the whole reason i exist is to keep your creativity intact, and to wipe out universes where there will never be anything good to come from it?

Ink: *pushes error's hand away*he's still a person! just because the AU is in a dark place right now, that doesn't mean it won't get better. he, and everyone else in there, are still people who have have every right to be alive!

Error: did you ever think that maybe they don't want to exist?!

Ink: ... no, i haven't, but-

Error: what? just because you can wave a paintbrush around and create something, you suddenly think you're the boss?

Ink: well-

Error: no! don't "well" me! i know you are just going to go on about life being precious, but don't you understand that sometimes it's better to just put the injured dogs down? well do you? sometimes there isn't a way to heal! sometimes there isn't a way to fix something! sometimes, you just need to learn how to f*cking let go!

Ink: *balls up fists* no! i can't just give up on something, unlike you! there's hope! i KNOW there's hope! you don't need to destroy everything that isn't going right! there needs to be a balance!

Error: balance?! you're being the biggest hypocrite right now! i balance your creativity, but when i try to do my job, you accuse me of throwing off the balance of the other universes? how does that make any sense!? *marches towards Ink, backing him up into a wall*

Ink: that's not your job! your job is to get rid of universes that aren't in use! not destroy ones that are still going!

Error: did you ever think that maybe, even if a universe is still going, that it would be better just to end it, to put people out of their misery?!

Ink: *glares at him* they aren't--

Error: *grabs onto his collar harshly* DID YOU EVER THINK THAT MAYBE YOU AREN'T ALWAYS RIGHT!? *seething*


Error: *growls under his breath* *roughly drops him* think about that for awhile... *walks away*

Ink:...*leans against the wall**sinks to his knees and curls up*  *thinks about whether or not he should have geno meet papyrus or not* *is presented with two options*

*Continue? *Do not?

Turtle: Holy shells, you guys don't understand how much 14k means to me... seriously, it means so so SO much. I'm sorry that my updating is kinda wonky, but life and work gets in the way sometimes. Thank you for still being here, I love you all so much! <3

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