Sans X Fuku

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Grillby:... i am uncomfortable with this and i'm not even part of it...

Sans:  woah, you really must be, i think that's the longest sentence you've said all year.

Grillby:...* nods *

Fuku:....I don't get it...

Sans: get what?

Fuku: ...Aren't you an adult?

Sans: yup.

Fuku:...I'm still a kid though...

Sans: yup.

Fuku: * flames rage * THEN WHY AM I BEING SHIPPED WITH YOU!?

Sans: don't ask me.

Fuku: * turns to no one in particular * THAT IS PEDOPHILIA! YOU SICK F****!

Sans: woah! grillbz! where'd she learn that???

Grillby: * jaw dropped *

Fuku:....I m-mean "ducks"...yeah...

Grillby: * grabs Fuku by the arm and marches out *

Fuku: A-are you mad? I can't tell...

Sans:....well...i guess this isn't the first time i've been confused as a pedophile, * long sigh *

Frisk: * shudder * DON'T BRING THAT BACK UP!

Sans' Rating:

why do people think i have a thing for kids? 0/20HP

Fuku's Rating:

F*** YOU! -20/20HP .....I mean "duck"....yeahhhh

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