20K Secret Ships -SHH-

2.5K 69 516

Turtle: Okay, let's see who all of these freaks are secretly shipping together. Also, I'm only doing the main 6. These dirty, dirty, sinners. Oh, also, I'm planning on doing something big for 25K!

Frisk: I will be interviewing everyone! ...Oh, and my "secret" ship is obviously Soriel. *quickly runs around to find Toriel* *Finds her in the kitchen* Hiya, mom!

Toriel: Oh, goodness, greetings my child.

Frisk: I've got a question for you~

Toriel: And what is that?

Frisk: Who do you secretly ship together? *wiggles eyebrows*

Toriel: ... I beg your pardon?

Frisk: You know what I said. *cheesy grin*

Toriel: Well... um... *looks to the side*... you must promise not to tell the to tell them.

Frisk: I promise, mom! *smile widens waiting for the ship*

Toriel: Okay...*bends overs and whispers* Grillby and Sans. *quickly stands back up and looks away*

Frisk:... *confused look*...Huh?

Toriel: *blinks*


Toriel: Have you seen them together? They are so incredibly close, it's honestly hard not to want them to be together.

Frisk: *still does not understand it*...Uh huh... *shakes it off* Well, whatever floats your goat mom, thanks! *runs off to find Sans*

Toriel: *laughs at the pun* No problem, my child!

Frisk: *runs into the living room*

Sans: *is sleeping on the couch with some science book in his hand*

Frisk:... *climbs up onto the couch*... *plops down next to him*... *suddenly grabs a pillow and violently hits him with it* WAKE UP!!!!!

Sans: *snaps up* hoLY--!!?? *whips his head around to see Frisk* kid, what-!?

Frisk: *interrupts him* Who do you secretly ship together?! *evil grin*

Sans: who do i what who what now?

Frisk: Who. do. you. secretly. ship. together?

Sans: why does it mat--?


Sans: okay! geez.

Frisk: So, who is it?

Sans: *stares at them blankly*

Frisk: *furrows brows* Say it. And it better not be me and your brother.

Sans: *smirks*

Frisk: Oh my God, really!?

Sans: *starts snickering*

Frisk: *cheeks tint* OH MY-! *smacks him with a pillow* WHY?!

Sans: *laughing* 'cause i get that reaction. *winks*

Frisk: *pouts out lip*

Sans: *nudges Frisk* aw, come on buddy, i'm just messin' around. i don't really "ship it."

Frisk: Then what do you?

Sans: *shrugs* eh, nothing really.

Frisk: Why not?

Sans: i'm too lazy. *lazily grins*

Frisk: *shakes their head at him* Of course you are. *starts walking away to find their next victim*

Sans: welp, see ya, i guess. *lays back down and falls asleep*

Frisk: *sees Papyrus and Undyne playing a video game together with Alphys watching* Hey guys!

The three monsters: What?

Undyne: *pauses the game*

Frisk: I have a question.

Undyne: Spill it punk!


Frisk: Who do you all secretly ship?

Undyne/Papyrus/Alphys: *all look at each other and nod*



Undyne: *blinks* Uh...yeah, sure.

Alphys: *looks off heart-eyed* It's s-so cute! ...B-But, not as c-cute as U-undyne! *blushes*

Undyne: AWWWW, ALPHIE! *squeezes Alphys into a hug*

Alphys: *turns even brighter red*

Frisk: *shakes their head at them leaving to find Asgore*

Frisk: *finds Asgore in his garden* Hiya, Mr. Asgore!

Asgore: *sees Frisk and brightens up* Oh-ho! Howdy, young one!

Frisk: *giggles* So, I've got a question.

Asgore: Go on. *continues watering his plants*

Frisk: Who do you secretly ship together?

Asgore: *shakes his head* *laughs* Well, I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but "no one" is my answer.

Frisk: Come, on. There has to be SOMEONE.

Asgore: I'm afraid not.

Frisk: *raises a brow* How come?

Asgore: Well, young one, you see, I find that love is not something you can predict. So, I say we just stay out of its way and let it work it's magic. Most of the time it's the most unlikely people who end up together. So, there is no need to "ship" people together. Also, it usually adds unnecessary tension between two people if they are shipped together. Take Sans and Toriel for example. I know you meant no harm with your silly ship, but I have noticed them acting a bit different around each other.

Frisk: *glances down*

Asgore: They seem to more awkward and stiff in each other's presence when you're around them. And again, it is not your fault, you are only child. And maybe you would be expecting me to be jumping for joy to see them falling away from each other, but that's not how I am. I just want others to be happy. So to keep them content, I try to avoid doing or saying things that may disrupt them. Do you understand?

Frisk: Yeah... I do. *looks to the side*

Asgore: *soft smile* Oh-ho! There there, *pats Frisk's shoulder* no need to look so down. Will some tea cheer you up?

Frisk: *returns the smile*... Yeah, that sounds nice...

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