14K Balance (Part two)

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Turtle: Both options presented will be shown in this, so no worries! Read which ever one you want, or just read both XP Also, there is a sly reference to one of my other stories. It's hard to catch, but I want to see if one of you can.



Ink:... *gets up determinedly, not letting what error said previously faze him* *slams his hand into the continue option* ... *walks into the other room to find this universe's Papyrus* hey, papyrus!

Papyrus: *turns around*... NYEH? *looking Ink up and down, confused* SANS, WHAT IN THE NEW NEW HOME ARE YOU WEARING?!

Ink:...*facepalms himself because he forgot how childish this Papyrus was*... i'm not sans. *pauses, realizing he should clarify* i mean... i'm not YOUR sans.


Ink: *blinks*...sure, that works i suppose.

Papyrus: WELL, THEN IT IS A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU! *holds out hand*

Ink: *shakes it laughing* anyways, papyrus... there is someone i'd like you to meet... they are another version of your brother. *gulps, glancing to the side* but... he lost his papyrus...

Papyrus: W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY LOST? *doesn't know why he's nervous, but he is*

Ink:... *trying to think of a way to explain it* he can't... see his brother ever again... *looks to the side sadly*

Papyrus: *suddenly gets quieter* That... sounds very lonely... and familiar... *plays with his scarf*

Ink: *the last part catches his "ear"* what do you mean by that?

Papyrus: *looks off to the side* My brother doesn't want me to tell people... I'm sorry, but I'd rather keep my promise. *continues fiddling with his scarf*

Ink: *blinks*... i... understand... anyway... can you please make this other sans' day, and just... be yourself around him?

Papyrus: *smiles, switching back to his usual happy self* OF COURSE I CAN! I AM PRETTY GREAT AFTER ALL!

Ink: thanks. *smiles and teleports away* *returns with a very confused Geno*

Geno: bud, i still don't understand where you're takin'-- *sees Papyrus and stops talking*

Ink: *backs out of room, giving Papyrus the thumbs up*



Geno:... *staring blankly*

Papyrus: *looks at him sympathetically, seeing the scarf around his neck* *walks up to him* YOU APPEAR TO BE IN NEED OF A HUG, FROM I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS! *quickly engulfs Geno in his arms*

Geno:... *shaking*...

Papyrus: *just keeps hugging him, waiting for him to return the gesture*

Geno: *says something so quietly it's almost inaudible*

Papyrus: HM?

Geno: ...y-you aren't m-m-my br-brother... *voice is choked*

Papyrus: *pulls back, finding Geno with blue tears streaming down his face* OH NO! Please don't- *tries to dry Geno's tears, but Geno just stumbles back away from his touch, frantically rubbing his own eye-sockets*

Geno: i-i-i... *takes in a shaky breath*...*quickly blurts out* i gotta go- *dashes around the corner*

Ink: *quickly grabs him by the hood before Geno can teleport* *zips them away back the Geno's universe*

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