Frisk X Reader Part 2

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Hey look, It's like the kedgeup one....but with Frisky Bits instead...

Sans: *brings Frisk as far away from where the "Fan" was as possible* *stops in the living room* *turns to Frisk* kid, are you okay?

Frisk: *staring at him blankly*...

Sans:...okay, dumb *drags hand down his face*...kid, you're gonna have to give me a hi--

Frisk: *randomly hugs him* *sniffs*


Frisk: *mumbles* Thank you...

Sans: *sighs* no problem, bud. *pats their back* what? did you think i wasn't gonna go in there and see what you were screamin' 'help' about?

Frisk: *shrugs* You could've ignored me...

Sans: *pulls away from them* *kneels down in front of them* kid, remember that promise i told ya about awhile ago?

Frisk:...I think...

Sans: *sighs* the one i made to tori about protecting you...

Frisk: Oh....yeah.

Sans: why would i break it now?

Frisk: I don't know...

Sans: kid, look at me.

Frisk: *looks down at him*

Sans: kiddo, you gotta believe me when i tell you, i would NEVER let anyone hurt you... not only on tori's behalf, but on my own.....  i promise.

Frisk: *starts tearing up* *hugs him tightly* Th-thank you, Dad...

Sans: *wide-eyed**blinks confused*....*soft smile*... heh...*hugs them back* you're welcome...


Undyne: *holds Turtle's phone*

Turtle: *blinks at Undyne*.....*sighs*...NO, I AM NOT SAYING SORIEL IS A THING! IT IS FARRRRR FROM A THING! SO, NO, I DO NOT NEED YOUR ANGRY COMMENTS ABOUT SORIEL! ....Soooo, yeah.....just.....let is sliiiiiddddeeeeee..... TURTLE, OUT!

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