10K Awkwardness

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Turtle: This...was awkward...to write...*ducks into shell*

-About Three Days after the "fan" attacked Frisk-

Sans: *sitting at the kitchen table*

Toriel: *baking some Butterscotch-Cinnamon Pie* *looks over at Sans* Sans...

Sans: *distracted*...hm?

Toriel: ...Has something been on your mind lately? You've been acting...stranger than usual.

Sans: *shrugs*

Toriel: Did...something happen after... the incident?

Sans: *shrugs again*

Toriel: *aggravated sigh* Sans, I'm not stupid, please talk to me. *walks over to the table*


Toriel: *hits her paw on the table* Sans!

Sans: *isn't fazed by her hitting the table* *looks up at her calmly* what?

Toriel: *pinches the bridge of her snout frustrated* Sans. What. Is. Bothering you?

Sans: nothin' is botherin-

Toriel: Will you stop lying for one day of your life? *furrows her brows at him*


Toriel: ... *long sigh* My friend, I want to help you, but I can't do that if you don't speak.

Sans:...i know...

Toriel: *leans towards him* Then why are you acting like you don-

Sans: it's not something you can help with...i'm just confused...*looks back down*

Toriel: Do you mind explain--

Frisk: *walks in* *looks at Toriel* Hiya Mom. Hiya--...*avoids eye-contact with Sans*...What are you talking about? *opens fridge looking for something*

Toriel: *stands up straight* Nothing of importance, my child. Are you looking for something?

Frisk: Um...I was looking for my-- A-HA! Never mind, I found it. *takes out their water bottle* ... Well, guess I'll... leave now... *walks out looking at the ground*

Toriel:....*turns back to Sans* Sans, something is definitely wrong. What happened? Was is between you and Frisk? *walks over next to where he's sitting* *sits down*

Sans: what makes you say that?

Toriel: They weren't looking at you! Sans-... *sighs* Can you please tell me what happened.

Sans: ...

Toriel: *puts her paw over his hand* ...Please, tell me... You are probably just blowing in out of proportion in your head, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. *squeezes his hand* ...I'm your friend, you can tell me.

Sans: *pulls hands away quickly* *shoves them into his pocket* ...heh... they, uh... i mean frisk... *mumbles* they called me "dad". *cheek-bones tint*

Toriel: ...Oh?

Sans: b-but, i mean, it was probably a-an accident. *laughs awkwardly* i-i mean, me? out of everyone e-else? really, i just-

Toriel: Sans.

Sans: hm?

Toriel: You're stressing yourself out, Sans. I think you and Frisk need to have a talk about it. Also it may have been unintentionally said...but I believe it is what they were truly feeling... they just didn't want to admit it... and it just happened to come out.

Sans: i-...i don' know...

Toriel: Just ask--

Frisk: *walks back in* *goes to the sink to refill their water*

Toriel: Hm. Speak of the devil... Oh, I just remembered, I must make a phone call. I'll be right back. *winks at YOU* *nudges Sans* *stands up and leaves*

Sans:....*looks at Frisk*... heyyya, kiddo.

Frisk: *jumps* *turns off water and whips around* Hiya-...uh, what do you want?

Sans: *shrugs* just wanted to talk.


Sans: so, kid... about the thing that happened a few days ago...

Frisk: (uh oh)...Yes?

Sans: did you...um... mean what you called me?

Frisk: *looks at the ground*....

Sans: i...i don't mind either way... i just... i don't even know what-

Frisk: I...I kinda meant it....I don't know...it just...came out... I'm sorry...

Sans: sorry? for what? you didn't do nothin' wrong.

Frisk: But I made things weird... I didn't want to... I didn't want you to feel weird...

Sans: kid. it's okay... i just--

Frisk: I'm sorry! It's not okay! I shouldn't have said it, I just--....you reminded me of my real dad.... you always do.... you two are like carbon-copies of each other...

Sans: *doesn't know how to respond*...kid, i...uh... i didn't realize i was doin' that... if you want, i can-

Frisk: No! I don't want you to do anything. I just...didn't want you to feel awkward... I know I joke around a lot about you and mom, but I didn't want to actually make you uneasy... so I tried not to call you it... I really tried...but...I messed up.

Sans:...kid, you didn't mess up... and don't worry about your little ship. i don't care what you call me, i just...wanted to know what to expect.

Frisk:....So...you don't care what I call you? Even if-

Sans: if you call me dad, cool. i won't feel offended, kid. just 'cause you call tori mom, that doesn't change how i feel about you or her, and it wouldn't make me uncomfortable. if you call me, sans, that's cool too. it's up to you, bud.

Frisk: *smiles at him* Okay... *runs up to him and plants a kiss on his cheekbone* thanks, dad! *runs out of the room* *pops back in* Oh, and I meant it that time! *runs away again*

Sans: *chuckles to himself* ...weird kid....

Turtle: THANK YOU ALL FOR 10K! Know that I love you all so much!


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