Three: Chips

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Mina's POV

It is a break time that three of us always sit at the table where no one dare to sit at.. cause I think that table is already labelled by us at the cafeteria.. yeah we are the Japanese trio..
"Momo, why you eat so much?" Sana unnie said as I look at Momo's tray.. yeah she eat so much.
"Let her.. she won't get fat anyway.. unnie" I said as Sana smiles at me.
"Momo.. someone is coming for you.. I think" Sana said as I look around and I find a handsome boy walking towards our table.
"Hey.. I don't find a table.. so can I sit here with you guys?" The boys said.
"Sure of course why not?" Sana said as Momo glared at her.

He take a seat infront of me which is beside Momo..
"So, what class are you guys in?" The boy asked.
"Two B.. how about you? And.. umm your name?" Sana asked.
"Three A.. oh.. yeah.. My name is Hyun Woo" he smiled
"Ohhh.. then you are our senior.. Hyun Woo Oppa" Sana said.
"Yes.. Sana.. Momo and Mina" he said.
"Ohhh you know us?" Momo asked.
"Of course.. who doesn't know about the school queens like you guys" he said as Sana giggled.

We done eating our lunch as we greet that boy and go away.. back to the class.
"Sana, that Hyun Woo oppa.. is not hitting on me" Momo suddenly said.
"So, who? Me?" Sana said.
"Eihh.. Snake... no.. it is Mina" Momo said as both of them look at me.
"What? No.. I think he got attach by you" I said to Momo.
"Ohhh.. come on.. Minaa.. I can read his eyes.. he can't stop staring at our penguin" Momo said as she linger on me
"He is handsome.." Sana said.
"And looks kind" Momo said.
"Ouhhh.. stop teasing me unnieee" I whine as they giggle.
"Mina.. why are you blusing?" Momo keep teasing me again and again
"Noooooo.. I am not" I said as she pinches my cheek.
"Uuuu so cutee.." she said.


Its the time for going back home as the bell ring.. and every student run out the class excitedly.
"Guys.. what is your plan today?" Momo asked me and Sana as we walk back home together.
"Work" Sana said.
"Mina?" Momo looks at me with her puppy eyes.
"Nothing.. why unnie?" I asked.
"Okay.. great then.. I will have a date with My penguinn.. bye Sana" Momo pulled me away as she tease Sana.
"Yaaaa... can we hang out together after my work.. why you guys are so mean?" Sana shouted.
"What time you get back from work?" Momo asked.
"5pm" Sana said.
"Ugghh.. its still long time to go.. I will have a date with my Mina first.." Momo sticks her tongue out teasing Sana as Sana run to her want to hit her but they end up being a kid again running around.. playing around..

Momo's POV

We get back home as Sana prepared herself to work while Mina is playing her games.. and me.. of course at the kitchen finding something to eat.
"Yaaa.. Momo.. Mina.. I will go now.. see ya" Sana shouted.
"Okaaayyy" both Mina and me shouted back to Sana.
"Unnie.. what are you looking for?" Mina asked as she still on her phone playing.
"Some chips or anything to eat" I said.
"Ohh.. ummm.. its on the cabinet above you" she said as I open the cabinets and get some snack and also get some drinks from fridge..
And bring it to the living room where the games addict is..

I place the snacks and drink on the table as I linger to Mina while watching her playing and eating my snack..
"Don't you getting bored playing that games again and again?" I asked as she shakes her head.
Then I feed her the chips but of course I tease her..
"Unnieeee" she whined as I giggled.
"What?" I asked.
"I want the chips" she said as I bit the chips and gesturing her to get it herself on my mouth..
"Stop teasing meeee" she whine as she pause her game and wanted to grab the snacks pack from me.
I lift the pack up as she try to reach my hand but she didn't get it as she glared at me..
"Unnieeee" she whine again as I smirk.
"Eaawwtt disss wann fistttt.. heeee" I mumble as she sighed while I still bitting the chips on my mouth..
She slowly lean towards me as I get to sit down at the sofa again.
She holds my shoulder as she bent her neck want to reach the chips on my mouth.. slowly and she just sit on my laps now.. gosh why she is so agressive..

She holds my face as she bite on the chips on my mouth that make me startled.
"What are you guys doing?" Suddenly Sana asked as she comeback from nowhere without any voice..
I pulled Mina towards me as I hug her...putting my arm around her waist and look at Sana.
While Mina try to pushed me away

To be continued..

Will update soon 😉😉

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