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~~~ A month later ~~~

{Dan's POV}

I'm not going to say everything is okay now, because its not. I'm still mentally fucked up from the whole thing. Nightmares and flashbacks still happen. They are just less frequent, and I don't talk about it anymore. So I'm assuming that Phil thinks everything is better now. Which for the most part it is. He hasn't contacted us in 3 weeks. Which is good news. 

So I guess I'm fine. I'm.. better.. But I'm not okay. 

I'm glad to have Phil because he's been great at making sure I'm alright.. But he's being a bit too overprotective. I can't leave his sight for more then 10 minutes without him freaking out. Its getting quite annoying. I know he means well and doesn't want to lose me but, he needs to chill. Its been a month. Don't get me wrong, I love him and I don't mind being around him, its just been a bit much lately. 

So I've been using excuses to get out of the house, like picking up some food or going to see a friend. In reality I just give myself time alone. Sometimes I get a bit carried away and don't come home till late, and then I can understand why he might be upset. 

I quite like being alone. Not completely alone, like when I was kidnapped. I like to be where no one can talk to me, it gives me time to think about things. Some might say it might not be a good thing to be thinking about my situation.. But it helps me sort things out. 

On this specific day I told Phil I was hanging out with someone, when in reality I'm probably just going to sit at a park somewhere with my phone. 

So thats what I was doing, until it started raining. It was around 4, and my phone was almost dead. I ran for cover at some shop, just in time because it started pouring like crazy. I walk into the store, searching for an umbrella. I find it and a few other things and check out, ready to go home and curl up on the couch. 

Today I am really wishing I didn't go out, I mean it did look cloudy, but doesn't it always? At this point with this rainy weather I just want to be in bed cuddled up with Phil. 

I open the umbrella and walk out, bumping into Sarah, the police officer from that night. "Oh! Sorry." I say, flashing her a smile. 

"Dan?" She asks, turning her head to the side. 


"Hey hon, how are ya?"

"Much better.. Things are finally back to normal."

"Thats great. Alright well I'll let you get going, the weather's crazy out."

"Yeah, well I'll see you around." I say, waving as I walk towards my house. 

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