Ch 9

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They both sat in the car in silence, Jungkook kept his head on the road while she leaned on the window pane. She wasn't planning on breaking the silence. He glanced at her every second wanting to say something but not a single word would come out.

"Actually....can you bring me mine..." she asks whispering not even looking at him.

"No!...Im bringing you home to ours...." he quickly answers holding the steering wheel firmly.

"No! I don't want to go home with you!"

"Why not?? "

"Because I know for a fact that if I went home with you....I wouldn't be able to think straight about us..."

He stops the car abruptly and pulls over to the side of the road. "Think about us?! What is there to think about?!" His grip on the steering wheel tightens.

"Us! Our future together! I didn't exactly picture our future with you having a side family!" She still hasn't even spared him a glance. While his eyes hasn't left her side profile.

"Euhna isn't my family!...the baby is! And soon after we're married we will have our own family!"

"No! see the thought of even having a future like not what I pictured alright!" She clenched onto her seat belt unable to breathe properly from the sudden pain in her chest.

" you not want a future anymore?" He tried to hold her hand but she moved it away in an instant. "Y/N....bab-"

"Don't baby me!" She put her head down and he tries to touch her hair to move it out of the way but she moves away again almost like they were like pole repelling each other. "Please....bring me home..."

Jungkook started the car not wanting to make the situation worse than it already is. The rest of the car ride was by far the hardest situation she's ever been trying to stop her tears from escaping and just bursting out.

As soon as he reached their drive way he stopped her hand when she opened the door. "I love you" she only glanced at him and she exits the car running into her house. "I really really love you..." he mumbles when he was finally alone in his car. He could feel his heart shatter all over again and this time he's not sure how to fix it anymore.....if its even worth it to fix....

Fate ~ Book 2 (Bts Jungkook FF)Where stories live. Discover now