Ch 4

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They both sat in silence at the table both just minding their own business not wanting to talk to one another.

"I hate this" jungkook slammed his chopsticks on the table and looks up to her. She didn't even dare to stop looking anywhere else than her food. "Y/N please...look at me.." he tried to reach for her hand but she yanks it away.

She stands up taking her plate. "Im full" she went straight to the sink but as soon as she got there Jungkook stood up following her.

"Y/N...I don't want to fight with you...I hate this!" He stands behind her while she continues to wash her dish.

"Every time we fight are you always going to bring up what happened years ago?! I thought we were past that!" He says making her dropped the small bowl by accident because of how irritated she's become.

She bent down to clean it off but Jungkook held her back. "Let me do it...I don't want you to get hurt" he bends down and started grabbing the broken pieces.

"You've already hurt me" she took a step away from Jungkook and took the sweeping brush leaning it on the counter and making her way towards their room.

Jungkook just watched her walk away but it was as if he couldn't move a muscle to stop her. He doesn't know how to fix this. He can't just say that he won't be there for the child because he really wants to but if its going to cause a barrier between him and y/n....he doesn't know who he'll choose.

Once he's cleaned up the mess he follows her into their room. He opens the door and sees her sitting at the end of the bed looking at her phone. He sits right beside her. "I love you.....please talk to me..."

She turns around to him puts her phone down.

"As soon as this child is born...I'll make sure we take a fraternity test....if that will help you..." he holds her hand to reassure her.

"I still don't get how you're so sure this child is yours.." she looks down at their hands.

"I trust Eunha...." he says to her holding her chin making her look up.

"Im not going to lie to you....I don't..." she confesses.

"You haven't even met her... you've only seen her..."

"I don't want to..."

"Then if you don't trust me?....please" he cups one side of her face scooting closer to her.

"I trust you....b-"

"Y/N....I know this child is mine alright....I know what it's like to not have a father....and its not pleasant....please understand....I don't want to lose you...."

She scoots further away from him hearing what he said and takes her hand back. "Lose me?....are you saying that....if it comes to'd rather lose me?...."


~Ring ring~

Jungkook's phone started ringing completely cutting him off, he looks back at it, barely glancing but he saw the caller I.D and as soon as he did, in a split second he runs up to it answering it.

"Hello?...are you okay? What happened?" He sounded so worried over the phone. "Ok....ok...yeah yeah...its okay, Im not busy...I'll be there in a hurry.." he hungs up the phone and turns around to y/n.

"I have to go" he reaches for his hoody and leans down to her kissing her forehead.

"Where are you going?" She stands up when he was about to leave the door.

"Eunha needs me" he slams the door shut leaving her there.

Fate ~ Book 2 (Bts Jungkook FF)Where stories live. Discover now