One Shot #6 ~ Perfect Stranger (Part 2 of 2)

Start from the beginning

"This water's a little salty," I said.
"Yeah, you want some?" He laughed deviously, splashing me.

I splashed back with reckless abandon, soon enough we were having a full on water fight.

He quickly grabbed my hands and turned me round, holding me tightly from behind and leaving me squirming.

"Hold your breath," he said, scheming. Before I could have the chance to ask why, we plunged under water.

I broke free and swam quickly away, escaping.

"That was so mean!" I laughed, splashing Thomas once again.

He just laughed, followed by a long eye contact. We were stood only inches apart.

I swallowed long and hard.

"I should probably go soon, I want to get a good table," I said, realising it was almost 6.

"Yeah, me too," he paused for a second, " about that date? I know we've only been here a day, but I think it'd be fun," he smiled.

"Yeah...yeah ok, sure." I nodded.

"So...I'll meet you at the beach bar on the boulevard at say, 8pm?" He suggested.

"Sure," I smiled nervously. I'd not been on a date this important for years.

I got up and left the pool, I looked back and noticed Thomas smiling whilst packing his things away.

Time skip ~ 7:45PM
I was almost ready for the date - I was wearing a white dress with a slit up the leg, white high heels, and I had a clutch purse with me. I decided not to go too heavy on the makeup in case it rained - it was wet season after all.

I left my room with plenty of time to spare, making my way to the lobby.

I looked over the pool, the pink sky reflected in a blueish mirage.

It was a long walk to the beach, my hotel block was pretty much at the other side of the hotel grounds. Not like I was complaining, the evening was very clear.

Arriving at the bar
I stepped up to the decking that was the beach bar, my eyes scanning the room for Thomas. Eventually, I saw him, sipping at a glass of iced Bailey's.

"Hey," I said, smiling warmly.

He turned around, looking me up and down, his eyes undressing me. I felt a little self conscious all of a sudden, my once prominent confidence fading.

", you look stunning," he laughed nervously.

He was wearing a white dress shirt and some grey trousers, as the restaurants had a rule against men showing their bare legs.

"You don't clean up so bad yourself," I smirked.

He laughed, putting a hand round my waist.

"So...where d'you want to eat?" He asked.

"I don't mind, all these places seem pretty amazing to me...and anyways, we've got two weeks to try different restaurants," I shrugged.

Newt/Thomas Sangster One Shots (warning: smut)Where stories live. Discover now