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"I'm saying that... that I want us to get a apartment together."

Normani's eyes widened at the girl's statement. They both know that having an apartment at this age is a huge responsibility.

"Isn't it a little to early to be getting an apartment? I mean, we're only eighteen. How are we possibly going to afford it?"

"We will make a way. We always do. We can get a loan from our parents and we can work over time. Please baby. I want this." Dinah's brown eyes shimmered in the moonlight as she pleaded for Normani to take up her offer; squeezing the older's hand for reassurance.

"I'm sorry Dinah, but I can't." The dark haired girl released her hold on the Polynesian's hand and walked out of the park.

Dinah stood there in utter belief as she couldn't contemplate why the girl would say no.
"Hmm surprised to see you here. You know that we're about to close soon."

"Well maybe I wanted to see you in that mini skirt while you skate around this place."

Lauren winked at the younger girl that was currently preparing her milkshake from behind the counter. She bit her lip as the girl bent over, picking the spoon that had fallen up and the skirt wasn't doing her much justice as it exposed the lace that she was wearing underneath. Camila works at the local diner in the neighborhood and she decided to come see her before her night shift was over.

"Enjoying the view?" Camila's voice hinted in a teasing manner, as she placed the girl's milkshake before her.

"Very much so."

"I was hoping you did. Now, I'm very curious of why you included me in your speech. Isn't that peculiar to you little clique?"

Lauren sipped her drink as her eyes met the Latina's own as they were piercing into her's.

"Between me and you, I wasn't planning on adding you but in the moment, I didn't care because I care about you a lot too."

"What about Ally? You can't keep toying with her."

The emerald eyed girl let out a sigh as she rubbed her temples, not wanting to flood her head with this situation once again.

"Lets not think about that right now okay? I came here to see you, not to be chastised about my love life."

Camila simply nodded her head as she leaned over the counter, pecking the girl's lips. Lauren deepened it as she pulled the girl closer to her. The brunette climbed over the counter and sat in the Cuban's lap; enveloping herself in her touch. Lauren's hands raked through the younger's hair as their lips moved against each other's in a heated manner.

"Lauren..." Camila huffed out, breathless. "Aren't you supposed to be heading home to Ally?"

"I told her that I was working late. Now stop thinking of her. I have it all handled. Just keep your attention on me."

The brown eyed girl nodded as she brought her lips back to the older's, reciprocating the eagerness in her touch.

I told you Ally that I would get her back. Lauren is wrapped around my legs like she has always been.
"Mani? What are you doing here at this time of night?" The shorter girl asked as she invited the girl into her home; guiding her into the kitchen.
"Do you want anything to drink? Coffee? Water?"

"I'll take coffee. Thanks Ally."

Normani took a seat at the counter while Ally poured them both coffee into two mugs and joined her at the table.

"What's troubling you Mani?"

"Dinah wants us to try to get an apartment together but I personally don't think that we're ready to live together on our own. I mean, we're still young."

Ally nodded as she patiently listened to everything the younger said; giving her some input once in a while.

"How did you feel when you and Lauren thought of moving in together?"

"Well... it was a very big step that we took in our relationship. A lot of planning had to be done to lead us to where we are now but, I'm finally at peace with myself and her as it has brought us closer together. We grew stronger as a couple and we tell each other everything, we don't have a bed of lies." The blonde haired girl beamed, causing a smile to creep upon the others face. "You and Dinah have been through everything together. Maybe you need to give this a try. Consider this a trial and error, if it doesn't work then you guys compromise to live back with your parents or if it does work out, then you just go with the flow."

"Thanks Ally for talking to me. I think that I already have made a decision."

"You're welcome girly. Now, go get your woman."

"Speaking of women, where is your's?"

"Oh um Lauren worked late tonight. She should be coming anytime soon."

"Ok well I should be leaving now." The brown skinned girl got up and Ally followed behind her as she ushered the girl out of the house and they both bided goodbye.
Normani was driving to Dinah's place as she blasted "Fetish" loudly in the car and she passed by the diner Camila worked at. It was strange that the lights were still on as they should've been closed.

She drove into the parking lot and  peered into the corner of the diner that was dimly lit and gasped as she saw Lauren pushed up against Camila, admits a very deep make out session.

How could she fucking do this to Ally.
Oops Lauren got caught.

Hey girlies haven't updated in a while but I'm back now and I'm sad to say that this story will be ending soon but do you guys want a sequel or not?

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